ermmm sorry not sorry 🦙👊
I don't know if you care about this but out of all hedgehogs so far Amy has the smallest ears and the fluffiest fur
anyways Galinda would 100% be like making out with Elphie and say This is just something that friends do together ☺️ and Elphaba would be like. that doesn’t sound quite right but i don’t know enough about friendship to dispute it
Imagine being in the room next door to Glinda and Elphaba and hearing a bunch of creaking bed noises and voices saying “I need you to bounce with me girl” and “it feels.. good.. I like it” at 6 in the morning
Hot take but I really do think that some of y’all need to consider how/why/when/how often you’re making fun of straight people for being straight
I do it too, I’m not going to pretend I don’t make jokes about the hets, or the down with cis bus, or whatever
But I recently befriended a cis, straight dude and I have watched him be dismissed, degraded, and unambiguously insulted for the perceived “crime” of being straight — all in queer environments where he is allegedly “completely welcome” and surrounded by “friends”
This guy is not a toxic person! But I have seen him be made to feel so small and like his comfort and safety in those spaces are conditional on his silence and acceptance of being treated like a human dunk zone, and I think that some of y’all have had so much shit from straight/cis people that the second you feel like you’ve got an inch, you want to luxuriate in the perceived catharsis of bullying someone who— actually —doesn’t deserve it
And until he very, very carefully mentioned to me in private that it makes him feel bad, I didn’t even clock that I was involved in doing that, that it had become so instinctive for me to make casual jokes like that, and that— well meaning or otherwise —I had been contributing to an environment that made someone I really really like feel like shit
So, I dunno, I think maybe some of y’all should think about that too
Wait a minute.... The sole on Sonic's shoes is dirty and damaged here
But here it's brand new after he came back home
So my theory was correct. Ever since they adopted him, Tom and Maddie have a bunch of identical shoes for him in their house because they never want to see him injure his feet again. They care so much about their alien child, they never want to see him like this again
Tails and Amy introducing themselves to Sonic after being totally badass and saving his life from someone who's trying to kill him:
Bonus: Sonic's reaction
Human invention peaked when we created these bad boys
And that’s the motherfucking tea
i love how no matter how badly you fuck up benadryl cumquat’s name everyone on here still knows who ur talking about
I don't think I can ever properly articulate just what June Osborne means to me. She is just THAT CHARACTER.
There is an "us"? It seems imagined, like secrets in the fifth grade. People with mysterious histories and dark linkages. It doesn't seem as if it should be the true shape of the world. That's a hangover from an extinct reality. Now, the Guardians of the Faithful and American soldiers still fight with tanks in the remains of Chicago. Now, Anchorage is the capital of what's left of the United States, and the flag that flies over that city has only two stars. Now, darkness and secrets are everywhere. Now, there has to be an "us." Because, now, there is a "them."