Ritual Do's and Don'ts
I was digging through an old blog of mine and I found this great little list about ritual writing buried away. I wrote this back in 2012 and all this information still holds true to my practice.
I encourage you to add to this list!!! DO research your topic BEFORE you set pen to paper. Take notes from the books you read! DON'T use a pen for the first draft....Trust me. Pencils will make your life so much easier DO ask others for their opinions or insights into your ritual, find out what they think of when they hear "Full Moon Rite or Lughnasadh" this will help overcome any kind of writers block DON'T copy word for word from another person's ritual, this is plagiarism, and kinda shady...Plus, it won't have the same amount of power and energy in it as something you write yourself. DO take your time writing it. DO ask the Divine to assist you should you not know where to start. DON'T get discouraged DON'T fret about things over and over, once it is written, let it live for a moment. If it turns out it just doesn't have the right vibrations, then you can change it. DON'T fret over perfection, let things happen as they are meant to, when they are meant to.