#ritual – @ivythewitch on Tumblr

Ivy the Witch!

@ivythewitch /

I'm your witch mom now. 33, she\her, Wicca influences, Celtic Polytheist, Traditional Witchcraft practitioner. Bi, Polyamorous, Mom of 3 Brigid, Hecate and Morrigan

Wiccan Spells and Rituals ask day!

Today is all about the rituals Wiccans perform, the spellwork and other practices that go into a ritual and why we do them.

Fill my inbox with your questions!

Your beginner book told you to cast a circle, how do you do that?

How many parts are there in a Wiccan ritual?

What is the great rite and can I do it if I'm solitary?

What does consecration mean?

I don't have an athame, what can I use instead?

These are just simple examples, feel free to ask these and any others you have relating to ritual!


Wiccan Reconnection Ritual

Every so often we come to realize we have strayed too far off of our path, Even though logically we know we have not, we still feel the need to do something special to reconnect to our divinity, to our Faith. I worked this ritual with a friend in 2011, My own path has changed greatly since then, but this ritual still helps me greatly when I feel a disconnect. 

Feel free to edit for your own needs, and input your own Deity. I used commonly used deity invocations found multiple places on the internet, but the exact sourcing has been lost. The ritual is comprised of many bits and pieces taken from many sources at that time, again, the sources themselves have been lost. If you know the original author or source, please notify me so I can give credit, and/or provide links

I performed this with a friend each time, so keep that in mind too. 

You Need:

  • a special candle
  • piece of paper
  • fire proof vessel
  • Standard altar setup

Cast the circle 

call the quarters, starting in the east

Call Spirit

Call on Great Goddess and say

Mother Darksome and Divine.Lover of the Horned God,Mighty Queen of Witchery and night,Heart joined to heart and lip to lip,five are the points of fellowship,that bring your ecstasy on earth,for You are the circle of other Law but love You know,by naught but love may I be known.I invoke Thee and call upon TheeMighty Mother of us all.Bringer of Fruitfulness by seed and by root.I invoke Thee by stem and bud.I invoke Thee by life and love

Call on Great God,

By the flame that burneth bright,O'Horned One! We call thy name into the night, O'Ancient One! Thee we invoke, by the moon-led sea, By the standing stone and the twisted tree. Thee we invoke where gather thine own, By the nameless shrine forgotten and lone. Light your special candle

State your purpose for this ritual, feel free to edit for your own needs

“The purpose of this ritual is to reconnect ourselves to the Divine within us. Know that All is part of the Divine, sacred and beloved.See that we are Divine, beloved of the Divine, and One with the Universe.”

Take some paper or a journal, and meditate on the questions below, keeping track of your answers to help you grow and become closer with yourself and the Divine

Light the candle

See the candle. See how before, there was only darkness, but now, there is an interplay of light and dark, dancing shadows and flame. Both are part of the Flame, there being no shadow until there is light. Feel the candle, feel the Flame, and feel that same fire dancing inside ourselves. Find that place inside, and know that it is the spark of the Divine that is within all things.

While there can be, in truth, no separation from the Divine, we can separate our minds, refuse to see the connection or have it clouded through personal shadows, blocking the Flame. 

When this happens, we must give up what blocks us back to the Flame, sacrifice our weaknesses and ego-games to the Divine, to ourselves, that we may find the Flame inside again, and rejoin to the Divine.

We must sacrifice our weaknesses, even as we love them for the excuses they bring us.No matter how many we sacrifice, however, there are always more, as old shadows re-grow and new ones are discovered. Each shadows sacrifice rejoins our spirit to the Divine, and brings us closer to our true Selves and the Flame that is all things.

Name the shadow that stands between you and the Divine you may choose to speak it aloud, or keep it between you and the Gods.

Now, consider the nature of this shadow. What does it cost you, and what does it give you? 

Why do you cling to it, even knowing that it stands between you and the Divine?

Is this benefit worth keeping, and if so, is there something you can do to replace the flaw that will let you keep the advantage?

Is the benefit itself also the flaw? Consider the advantage of this flaw, sharing it if you can.

With advantage comes disadvantage. How does this flaw keep you from the Divine?

Why do you want the flaw gone? What will freedom from this flaw bring you?

Separate the flaw from yourself. Pull it away, as though it was merely adhered to your skin, and not a part of your essence.

See it as a dark shadow, but transparent, like the shadows of a candle-flame.

Write the flaw on a piece of paper, and give it to the flame, seeing the shadow itself burn and become part of the Light.

See yourself in the candle-flame, and know that you are part of the Divine, and that as you improve yourself, you make the Divine greater.

To truly be a sacrifice, one must act mindfully to keep the flaw from oneself, to stay free of the temptation to backslide and take back our flaw.

Feel the light of the Divine lift you, buoy you above the temptation. We can be greater than we are, if we allow ourselves. Allow yourself to be greater than the temptation, and know it makes you a better person.

Extinguish the candle. Keep the candle as a sign of the commitment you have made, and re-light it when you need a representation of what you have given up, and what you have gained.

Release Deity

Release Elements

Open Circle


Ivy’s Chains that Bind Ritual Spell

This ritual is inspired by the Kellianna Song “Stonehenge” I wrote it as a releasing Rite in order to remove the hold that severe traumas have on me from my life. This is a DEEP ritual, meant to tear at your very soul and rip out the bad stuff. It should have a specific intent in mind. 

This spell harnesses the energy of the moon and its phases and also aids to manifest your inner power that has been hidden due to the issues that bind you. This spell is to be used in conjunction with mundane methods such as therapy. 

Materials needed: 

  • Hollow Chain Imagery printed out on paper
  • Writing utensil
  • Cauldron/bowl to be filled with water
  • Dark Moon Water 1 pint-(The tutorial is for Full Moon, but you can repeat the process for New and Dark Moon as well)
  • New Moon water 1 pint
  • Full Moon water 1 pint
  • Unakite stone (tumbled)
  • Rose Quartz stone (tumbled)
  • White Feather
  • Small White or Black pouch. (Must be White or Black)
  • Standard Altar Setups
  • Should be performed at each moon phase during your birth month, New, Dark and Full You start on the first moon phase of your birth month. 
  • You should also know the Moon phase for the day you were born.
  • This does require some planning. You will need a total of 3 pints each Dark, New and Full moon water. PLAN AHEAD 

The Spell

Begin by setting up your altar and circle space as usual. 

On your Chain imagery, within each link write the issue or person or habit that holds you. Write everything. Hold nothing in or back. Each link should be something different. Use as many links as you need to accomplish this. (if you really want to get intricate, you can cut out the chain and make it look more realistic) Cut the chain into link sets of 3 or 5. 

If you cast circles or call Elementals, Deities etc, now would be the time to do so. If you utilize drawing down the moon in your practice, now would also be the time. 

Place the empty bowl in front of you in the center space on the altar. In the bowl pour the New Moon water saying:

Mother Help me Mother Heal me Please release me From all things worldly That do not serve me Mother Love me

If you work with a God energy as well as Goddess, you can say it a second time like this

Father Help me Father Heal me Please release me From all things worldly That do not serve me Father Love me

Repeat this with the Full water next, and finish with the dark moon water. 

Take up the unakite and rose quartz in your hands, energize them. As you say the spell below, Fill them with the power you wish to see in yourself. Manifest it. Set the stones aside

Within these stones I feel the power I am reborn As I break these chains that bind

Take up a few links of your chain read what is written on them and tear the links from each other. You will be left with single rings. 

One by one, drop the links into the bowl of water. Chant the following for as long as you need/feel is necessary to help you let go of those things written on the chain

I'm gonna break these chains that bind I'm gonna break these chains that bind I'm gonna break break these chains that bind Yes I will break these chains that bind

Take up the feather and fill it with this new energy you feel, this lightness, the freedom. As you say the spell below, Place this feeling into the feather and allow the feather to remain light and airy. Set it aside with the stones

And now I'm floating light as a feather As I break these chains that bind 

Again, take up more of your links and rip them into single pieces, read each one and release that energy, release that emotional hold from yourself. banish it away from you. Keep chanting until you have dropped all the links into the water AND you feel the hold on you has decreased

I'm gonna break these chains that bind I'm gonna break these chains that bind I'm gonna break break these chains that bind Yes I will break these chains that bind

Again take up the feather. Fill it with this new energy you feel, this lightness, the freedom. As you say the spell below, Place this feeling into the feather and allow the feather to remain light and airy. Set it aside with the stones

And now I'm floating light as a feather As I break these chains that bind 

When you have finished with the feather, place it, and the stones into the pouch that corresponds to your moon phase. If your birthdate is Waxing to Full, use a White pouch. Waning to Dark, use black. Born on the New Moon itself, use either. 

Hold the pouch against your heart and chant

Oh Blessed Mother you empower me yes You have shown me just how to set myself free And now I'm soaring up in the clear blue sky As I break these chains that bind

Use this time to do a journey working to your Deity if you feel the need. Here you can also focus on any emotional power you have, cry, scream, journal what you are feeling. The important thing here is to release anything that still remains, as much as you can. 

When you are finished, Take your bowl of water and chains, and set it outside or in a window. (Take down your circle if you need to) Let it sit there until the next ritual. Do not worry if the water evaporates before you get to the next ritual. 

At the next moon phase repeat the ritual from start to finish. And the same with the third. 

At the end of the third ritual, take the bowl outside to a space you feel comfortable pouring it out. Pour the water and paper onto the earth or in a hole is even better “symbolically burying” your chains. 

As you pour, say:

Yes I have broken these chains that bind Yes I have broken these chains that bind Yes I have broken these chains that bind Yes I did break those chains that bound me 

Finish releasing your Spirits/Deities and thank them for their aid. You are finished. Keep your pouch with you during your mundane healing steps, take it with you to therapy appointments, keep it in your purse or pocket, Place it under your pillow each night when you sleep. 


* If your birth month when you perform the spell is a Blue Moon month, finish the spell on the blue full moon. Same thing if your month has a black moon (second new moon). 

*If you are Secular and do not utilize deity in your workings, call on ancestors in place of God and Goddess. The mother/father wording will remain the same. 

*Yes, the water must be poured out onto or into the earth. Paper will decompose. No, there is no alternative. 

*If you do not have access to the stones, you can use plain quartz. 

*It isn’t a good spell for beginners. 

If you have questions about this spell please ask. 


Which way do you like better for a full moon spell?

Option 1: I hand everyone a piece of wheat and have them share something they are seeking to manifest into their life. After they state their intent, they pull the wheat grains from the stalk and throw it into the cauldron filled with water. Then we join hands and do a chant to raise energies and send our intents out to the universe for fulfillment. Option 2: or they could "harvest" the piece of wheat from the cauldron filled with earth or herbs of manifestation and keep them as a reminder of our intentions for manifestations I like both and the full moon rite is to teach new people how to ritual... What do you think?


Asks are open!

  • Wicca
  • Paganism
  • elements
  • aspects of Ritual
  • Spellwork
  • Esbats
  • Sabbats
  • and other witchy topics are all on my list! 

Ask box is open all day! I am also answering: Herbalism Gemstones Weather Magic Rain Workings Witchy Music Hecate (CAUTION: UPG) Artemis (CAUTION: UPG) Dragonfly Wicca Firefly Wicca Neo-Wicca Trad Wicca and pretty much anything else!

Ask box is open! I start my new job tomorrow so this is the last day for the weekend to have my full attention for questions!


Ivy's Reconnection Ritual

This ritual is for when you feel like you just can't get back into your faith or you have drifted from your Deity(ies) It is a deep soul searching ritual, not to be performed on a whim. I found the original piece ages ago and have since lost the credit to the original author.  I have edited it here for my own needs, feel free to do the same. 

Reconnection Ritual


  • a special candle
  • piece of paper
  • fire proof vessel

Question answering day!!!

Today I am going to be answering questions all day!

Our topic today is Witchcraft

This topic includes: Spells Rituals Correspondences Working with stones, herbs, tools etc. Meditations Divination Spirit communication

And, I am also opening up questions about Paganism and Wicca.

This topic includes

Sabbats Deity work Prayer Altar information Ethical and moral questions Sacred texts (Wiccan Rede, law of 3, charge of the goddess etc) Information about various traditions in the Wiccan umbrella Coven stuff Chants

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I find it helps jog people’s minds for asking questions!


Tuesday is an All Day Ask A Thon!

I will be accepting questions here on my main blog, and also on Neowicca 101. 

All answers will be posted to Neowicca101 in order to drum up the word about the blog. 

Please reblog this post to help spread the word!

Here are some topics I like answering questions on:

  • Wicca
  • Witchcraft
  • Spells
  • Rituals
  • Herbs
  • Stones
  • Divination
  • Crafting

So please, fill my inbox because I have the day off and really want to get some content onto my new blog!

This is still happening peoples! Send in those questions!


Photographing Others At Pagan Events

I have no idea why this needs to be said, but DO NOT POST pictures of strangers or friends from Pagan gatherings, Pagan Prides, etc without their expressed consent. For some employers and families, even finding someone they know going to these events can end in termination or disownment. Seriously, guys, use your brains.


And to add to this, if you are at a Ritual or event that is more formal in nature, please ask BEFORE the start of the thing what the photo policy is. AND THEN ASK before you take the picture to give people an opportunity to get out of frame. 


Yule Ritual for Central Floridians!


The darkness has come and the wheel has turned once more. Join with your brothers and sisters as we celebrate the return of the light half of the year.

If you would like to join us, please join one of the meetup groups listed above and when asked if you know a member, say Lady Elirea from Tumblr

Ritual will be held at our Brother Mike's new home We hope you can all join us for this wonderful night of worship, love, and the return of the light!

Ritual will be potluck as usual, please bring with you a dish to pass and include a card with the ingredients listed so we can avoid health problems.

Instead of a gift exchange this year we would like for everyone to bring a few items to donate to local food banks and/or animal shelters

Parking is limited in front of the house so please save the driveway for those with health issues. Please bring a chair, as seating is limited. I am bringing a few extra chairs for those that cannot. Mike does have cats, please take your antihistamines if you need them! So far food wise, we will be having Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. I know one person is bringing some soda. Please bring enough to feed at least 15 people. If you have any trouble with what to bring, please contact me [email protected] and I can throw some ideas your way. The forecast for Saturday looks like it will be chilly. Please dress appropriately. Children are again most welcome, please bring something for them to entertain themselves with if they will not be participating in Circle. After Circle there will be a FEAST, a discussion about Yule and some story telling for children of all ages and I think we should all play charades! If you have any CDs you would like to play, please bring them along! We want to welcome back the light in style! We cannot wait to see each and everyone of your smiling faces! Blessed Be!!! Elirea 


Wicca 101 q&a

Hi everyone! I am working on a new series of YouTube videos for new wiccans and I need your help! Please submit questions to my ask box so I can answer them in the video! if you have a question but don't want it in the video please put in your ask not for video. I need about 10 questions per video and I would like to do 6 videos. So I need 60 questions! I look forward to what you all have for me to tackle!!!

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