If you ever want to get married in the future, I hope you marry someone who loves to bear righteous fruit and who is so in love with Jesus that it opens your eyes to His love in ways you never thought possible.
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
If you pray to God regularly, irregular things will happen on a regular basis.
Mark Batterson (via cassielovesjesus)
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
God, i want you to speak into my heart. I’m sick and tired of being discouraged, i want to live my life the way You want me to live.
(via godlywoman)
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Source: weheartit.com
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
Jesus is not merely a way to heaven, but the one and only way.
(via worshipmoment)
You were made by God and you were made for God. And until you understand that, life isn’t going to make sense.
(via encountering-love)
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
No one heals himself by wounding another.
Source: wordsnquotes.com
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
I am such a huge fan of kindness. Everyone be kind. Be crazy kind. Be kind even when you don’t feel like it. Be kind in the morning, be kind late at night, be kind like it is the only thing you were put on earth to do. You will be amazed at how beautiful kindness makes you.
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
We must be broken,
And again;
It is how we grow.
Pola Fanous (via alittlebitoflace)
Source: wnq-writers.com
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In the chaos of the storm, I have drifted far, far away. But I called out your name and You were just a breath, a breath away.
Jenn Johnson (via keylatorres)
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itsrelentlesslove reblogged
As you get older, you really just want to be surrounded by good people. People that are good for you, good to you, and good for your soul.
(via kushandwizdom)
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You are not forgotten.
Isaiah 49:15 (via letyourheart-belight)
Just because things hadn’t gone the way I had planned didn’t necessarily mean they had gone wrong.
Ann Patchett, What Now? (via wordsnquotes)
Source: wordsnquotes.com
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
Better to be unknown to the world than unknown to Jesus.
itsrelentlesslove reblogged
Yes yes yes! ♡