Ive become an accounting genius….
Almost got one of these cuties for decoration but then I thought idk where to put it and it’s almost Christmas so 😔
controversial but the idea of a man paying for everything for you is just awful if you love him why do you want him to work a stupid job
Golden Flies of Valor of Queen Ahhotep
Second Intermediate Period, 17th Dynasty, ca. 1560-1530 BC. From Tomb of Ahhotep, Dra’ Abu el-Naga’, Thebes. Now in the Luxor Museum. JE 4694 - CG 52671
Castle Cary, Somerset
Albrecht Dürer - Heavenly Body in the Night Sky
sometimes i'm like wow i really am that cold stuck up bitch people tell me i am
i read that today's france israel game broke records for lowest turnout lol about 11k, the previous records was a france new zealand with about 30k i wonder if ppl are at least passively boycotting or if just scared things might turn violent.
looks like this :/ @igneousbody
ce midi à la cantine j'ai mangé une frittata épinard / patate douce / cheddar absolument dégueulasse
aujourd'hui c'était un repas suédois ("hygge") et franchement c'était pas mal 😋
can you not see the ops of posts anymore.... what is going on
(circa 1970)
Photograph by Charles “Teenie” Harris
Mariah Carey, 1991
Kek Lok Si Temple, Penang ✨
photo by me