#NowPlaying (The Majestic Tale Of) An Idiot with a Box by Murray Gold
If you want the perfect mix of Eleven and Twelve, go listen you guys! Murray Gold, sir, you are a GENIUS!
@itscalledclara / itscalledclara.tumblr.com
#NowPlaying (The Majestic Tale Of) An Idiot with a Box by Murray Gold
If you want the perfect mix of Eleven and Twelve, go listen you guys! Murray Gold, sir, you are a GENIUS!
So I got on my Amazon Prime today, and this is what came up. It made my Whovian hearts proud!
Run like hell. Run like hell, because you always need to. Laugh at everything, because it’s always funny. Never be cruel and never be cowardly. And if you ever are, always make amends.
The Doctor + dealing with Clara’s mortality
Twelfth Doctor in every episode → Season 8 Episode 12: Death in Heaven
I’m not a good man! I’m not a bad man! I’m not a hero! I’m not a President! And no, I’m not an officer! You know who I am? I am an idiot with a box and a screwdriver, passing through, helping out. And I don’t need an army, I never have.
One word. No, two words, actually.
Imagine Eleven being in the TARDIS waiting for his new face to come on. The TARDIS is resetting, and waiting to see what’s coming because she doesn’t even know. That’s when Eleven starts to feel it in his fingers. He knows that his new face is almost here. Clara’s voice is still echoing in his ears as he hears her hang up the phone outside. Her heels begin to click on the glass floor, and he knows that he’s going to get that last chance to see her with these eyes, one last time...
(more to come)
Isn't anyone going to ask? What is it with the glasses?