My sanity for a Captain America Marvel Legends Black Widow figure, do you hear me Marvel.
Seriously though, I thought dealing with the Monster High dolls was a pain, fuck no, they ain't got nothing on geek boy scalpers. Seriously though, how long have these figures been out now? Awhile. Still doesn't mean I can find one of the damn Black Widow figures. Never mind girls never want to buy action figures, I would gladly give you my damn money for this damn figure, if I could find the goddamn thing. I point blank refuse to pay 3x the retail value for it online, either.
I was even talking to my neighbor and his friend about it earlier this week, since we're both into that kind of thing. He was talking about one of his friends who deals in them, the dude is totally that guy that has the insider info and gets there at open and buys the damn box. I told him no offense, but I hate his friend more than a little, his friend is a blight on geekdom, ugh.
Pretty much they never did make a nice 6inch Widow figure when the first Avengers movie came out, and now that they've made this one for Captain America 2....I don't know if we'll get one for the Avengers 2 movie either?
So yeah, I guess if any of ya'll that I know....happen to be ambling around and see this figure in stores at retail, get it for me PLEASE I will pay you and love you forever.