Hello It's Don,
Before I post any other art, I would like to induce my Persona, since she will show up a couple of times. This is Neko, my gal. Originally she was just a dragon version of myself, way back in like 2016 but eventually she turned into a character that is pretty far removed from myself. She still has some of my personality and clothing style but she became an original character with her own struggles and flaws.
Neko is part of a story that I've been developing for a few years now and I'm at a point where I like to thinks that it's good enough. To not make it complicated...
Neko lives in a Multiverse were most of the characters that I created and stories that I've written, take place in. The Celestial Universe. This Multiverse is looked over by 3 of the 4 Celestial Dragons. One of them, 'Death, the Lord of the Hells', was kicked out and is basically the main villain. Some stuff happened that is not to important right now but the Celestials took a piece of their power and gave it to worthy mortals to fight for them, those being the 'Warriors of Light'. Neko is one of them.
One day, all the warriors get sent into a space that exists between the worlds of the Multiverse. They fight Death but loose, so Neko sacrifices herself to defeat Death and look her into hell for a good while. Before she dissapeares, she begs the Celestial to resurrect the warriors, which they do. Neko also gets resurrected as 'The Lightbearer'. 'The Lightbearer' is a creation of all the light within the 'Warriors of Light'. The job of the 'The Lightbearer ' is to protect the many worlds of the multiverse from deaths, followers, and demons. And neko became this 'Lightbearer' to protect the world's from deaths wrath.
She has a lot going on, but now you know. She's brave, she's a little bit stupid, has a heart of gold and loves her wife and daughter very much.
Here's some older art of her and her wife Elena from 2020.
Then, we have some art from 2021.
I also did the Barbie Meme with her and Elena as well, back in 2023.
I hope you like her.