"I would have followed you,"
Idril Celebrindal`s dream: Elenwe blesses daughter (on the eve of the wedding withTuor) by moimq
【婚礼之前,ondolinde的公主在梦中见到,她逝去已久的母亲,戴着父亲放置在王座旁的后冠,容色依旧,持花前来给予她祝福】偶尔发作的叨逼叨:成年母女逻辑上没法同框?没关系,一个梦搞定天鹅只是暗示公主的夫家。至于环山城内到底能不能有天鹅?科学的说,基本不会有,但是既然是梦里,一切皆有可能。王后手里的花经历了马蹄莲、橙花、玫瑰等等【艹O三次元战线拉太长导致选择困难发作的坏处】最后还是定下百合。画完又发现微妙的应了Annuntiatio Domini。不过反正都是生救世主,没差。王座旁的空王冠?那是个梗,等下一个地狱期结束再说。
This serves only as a bit of head cannon, since I think I remember Tolkien writing Elves don’t usually do marriage ceremonies (?), but I just like the idea that if they did have some sort of ceremony Celebrían and Elrond had it at night, so in a way, his father could be present as well.
Morwen Eledhwen, again. For day four of Tolkien South Asian Week, by @arwenindomiel
Aragorn and Arwen by VictoriaRoxArt
im not drawing anything interesting lately so have a luthien sketch
We shall have peace.