#love this for him – @isurrendertoclones on Tumblr

We Love The Most Hated Clones Here, Sir


Icon by puirell. Kaysh pronouns.
My tag for original posts is #I raise my hands and I surrender
Anonymous asked:

for the wip ask game, ”archive”

Yeah this word does appear a fair amount in my current after the war Dogma wip, because. Well. He goes to visit the Jedi "archives." Here's a couple lines about that.

“The Jedi Archives?” Dogma choked. 

Everyone turned to look at him, smile even, but Dogma shrank a little. He hadn’t meant to draw attention to himself. 

It was just- the Jedi Archives. Full of all the info on Jedi lore he could ever dream. The holonet was great but the stories were mostly made up, and the Kaminoan archives were more reliable but only had so much info.

The Archives were centuries old, full of data put in by generations of Jedi. Dogma was sure he could live there the rest of his life and only read a fraction of what was there.

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