#alpha 17 – @isurrendertoclones on Tumblr

We Love The Most Hated Clones Here, Sir


Icon by puirell. Kaysh pronouns.
My tag for original posts is #I raise my hands and I surrender

Now I really want to read (but not write lol) a fic set between TCW season 7 and TBB where Echo is on Kamino recovering and he keeps pushing himself too hard, expecting to be able to just pick up where he left off, physically, and 17 is like 🤨 vod’ika…

Because he has Been There and he knows it won’t help (will, in fact, do the opposite. Ask him how he knows lol)


I saw your art of Alpha-17 and Fox, could you do one of the Corrie Guard all pointing towards Palpatine’s office? Like a “Him. Right there. Get his ass” kinda thing?


Hi hello I’m glad you liked my art!

I do imagine some sort of situation like this (especially after reading the comics with Seventeen in them - that man is so desperate to do a political assassination it’s not even funny)

Thanks for dropping by!


So I have this idea for a fix-it, right?

  • For whatever reason, Alpha-17 visits Coruscant towards the end of the war. Possibly after the Fives incident? Maybe that’s the reason he’s visiting in the first place, actually, because he heard about that. Anyway, he turns up in the Coruscant Guard base with zero warning and heads straight for Fox.
  • Fox has been trying so hard to keep it all together but one glimpse of his dad older brother’s face and he violently bursts into sobbing right then and there. There’s probably an audience.
  • Now Alpha-17. Big, legendary, terrifying Alpha-class clone Seventeen sees one of his babies burst into tears and that’s all he needs to know. Does not matter that Fox is a full grown adult Marshall Commander or that there are a bunch of other clones around, that is his baby and he is crying and so Seventeen picks him up and cradles him and lets Fox sob into his neck and between hushing Fox and cooing to him he quietly demands with his eyeballs to be directed to Fox’s quarters so they can have some privacy.
  • The entire Coruscant Guard would die for Seventeen without hesitation, now, and happily sends him to the Commanders’ bunkroom.
  • Seventeen manages to deduce which bunk is Fox’s and parks them both in it and then just holds Fox and lets him sob himself out. Fox is doing the kind of wailing-crying that is so intense he nearly makes himself throw up a few times. He just kind of rocks Fox back and forth and rubs his back and tells him it’s okay, Seventeen is here now, he’s gonna take care of everything, let it all out, etc.
  • Once Fox is spent, Seventeen borrows his comm and asks someone to send some food and water for Fox and then gets to work getting him in bed. He takes off his armor and tries to convince him to get into sleep clothes—you don’t have any pajamas? Alright, a fresh set of blacks, then.
  • Alpha-17 has already seen the grey hair and the dark circles and the facial scars and he Has Some Concerns. But the scars on Fox’s body, not to mention how thin he is…
  • Seventeen gets him to eat and drink as much as he can, and then tucks him in and cuddles him until he falls asleep. Then he comms the other Coruscant Guard Commanders and very calmly asks them who needs to die for this.
  • The Guard’s collective impulse control is soundly asleep and they have an enraged Alpha-class clone on their side. Palpatine will never even get the chance to see what hit him.

All I’m saying is that one of the ways Alpha-17 trained the Command Batch to deal with life-threatening situations is by sending them to torment the Nulls.

Of course, any serious retaliation on the Nulls’ part is halted by a gigantic and murderously frowning Alpha-17, who stares at them with indescribable contempt until they just decide to cut their losses and leave.

This also means that Cody has absolutely no respect for the Nulls. They all do, but Cody’s the one who stands there smiling with evil eyes and offering to tell “all those funny stories from Kamino” to whoever else is in the room.


crucial alpha-17 fact (to me) is that he does not think of himself as impossible to love. he knows people love him. his batchmates love him. obi-wan loves him. cody loves him. he simply thinks he is incapable of returning that love.

people can love him all they want! but something something faulty incubation chamber, too many pieces taken out of his genome, whatever. he's human, yes. but not enough to love like humans are supposed to love.


Soft spot for Cody is easily explained <3 Cody is the only one of his many students whom '17 is Reasonably Certain won't die <3


Teaching cadets how to round in math

Little cadet: “Seventeen how old are you?”

Alpha-17: “Twenty one.”

Little: *Doing the math*

Alpha-17: “TWO and ONE.”

Little: “Oooh…so you’re almost fifty!”

Alpha-17: “That’s right.”

Little: “And then you’ll be dead.”

Fordo: *gasps from the other side of the room* “Cadet!”

Alpha-17: “I hope so. Well don’t correct him he’s right. I yearn for the urn.”

Fordo: “NO-“


okay, but what if alpha-17 always called the cadets by their chosen names until they pissed him off and then he brings out the full government name (their numbers)?

just imagine little cody and wolffe squabbling for the tenth time that day and alpha’s patience has worn thin, so he busts out the “CC-2224” and “CC-3636” and it works immediately.

both of the little terrors know when alpha brings out the codes, that they’re in real trouble and are going to be punished. it’s the only time they’re actually a little afraid of him.

of course fox is snickering in the corner.

also, rex is alpha’s favorite and the most well-behaved, so he pretty much never gets called out like that, so when it does happen he’s pretty intimidated and alpha immediately regrets it

he might baby rex, but he’s also spoiled the cc’s all their (short) lives so he has to be a little rougher with those hellions

he would never admit to being soft on any of them though


Super SUPER happy with how this turned out!!? I've even got his Kirituhi saved as a stamp so I can get it on him without dying every time??

Wanted to give Alpha-17, the one-man-army, a powerlifter bod to fit his work?? He's got the Kirituhi for honoring Jango, and Mandalorian culture, as well as various other tattoos!! The Mando'a letters/numbers are for his closest command cadets, and he's got some fun tattoos poking at Grevious should he deal with that scrap heap again (suggested by @/honnid on IG!!).

Also gave him a cybernetic spine since he's mentioned in the comics that, while he couldn't walk again, he'd be able to hold a blaster?? So he's got a cybernetic restoring most of his ability back, though he needed other augmentations to his body to keep everything going when his original spine couldn't.

However, some days are more painful than others, and he's still recovering so: blaster walking stick!!! Bless the anon that suggested it??? A long press to the top deactivates the safety, and extends the trigger, from there he can shoot bolts if he needs to. Or he can just use it to threaten Kaminoans/smack cadets upside the head. 😂🤣

Some close-ups below!:

Alpha-17, scruffing a growling cadet: this is my son Wolffe, he keeps trying to bite my throat out with his teeth *puts the growling cadet down, then scoops up a different cadet, this one snarling* Alpha-17: this is my other son Fox, he almost bit a chunk out of my leg yesterday *returns the snarling cadet to the floor just in time to snatch a third cadet out of the air as they try to pounce on him from behind* Alpha-17: this is also my son Cody, he keeps trying to flying tackle me-
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