#‘i just talked to them!’ – @isurrendertoclones on Tumblr

We Love The Most Hated Clones Here, Sir


Icon by puirell. Kaysh pronouns.
My tag for original posts is #I raise my hands and I surrender

I have this weird little AU idea where an exterminator on Coruscant is sent to clear out a building…only to discover that the “pests” he’s supposed to dispose of are in fact a group of clone deserters

And he goes to his employer and he’s like hey uh so you didn’t mention that the “infestation” is actually humans…

And the employer is like 🤷 I said what I said. Clones aren’t sentients, it’s fine

And the exterminator is like welp 😐 I’m not killing them…and then has to figure out what to do with like 100 clones lmao

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