A long, long overdue commission for ApolloNight featuring the adventures of a hungry, broke little Bosmer who accidentally became the boss of... well, everything. Poor Hawk - she really just wanted to get some work done. Skyrim factions seem to be big on using the "You Are in Command Now" trope... ;D
A thief? Who? Me? *picks every pocket in Mistral market place* I don't understand where these outrageous accusations come from...
I get so lazy half way through anything.
I have literally always thought this
Yeah. Thanks Leliana. There’s also a treasure chest you can totally fail to open here as well.
I already posted most of these here, but I thought I'd share the DeviantART version, too, as it includes some characters that weren't included in the original tumblr post.
Skyrim logic.
Not a proper comic, but a snippet of life and struggles of a new Bioshock Infinite player. The very same visuals that I made me go "oooh shiny pretty" in the beginning of the game are now giving me a headache in combat - all those fancy effects are just a little less lovely when they prevent me from seeing the enemy that's firing bajillion rounds at me, lol.
It made this discussion even better that I literally had a Clannfear and a Winged Twilight hovering on my heels the entire time... And I did drop that Storm Atronach on him, too, once we eventually made it to the Arena.
And you were doing so well until that. Way to make a girl feel special, Darien.
I just had to (because Hercules crossover, couldn’t resist)
Just in case you’ve never seen these
I’m crying