@irxnfxst sent: ‘ people fuck up . i guess you don’t get that — you really don’t get it until you fuck up . really fuck up . ’
“I feel like you want me to feel sorry for you. But as you can see…” Maria leaned the office chair as far back as it could go–which, given that it was broken, meant nearly tipping over–and propped her booted feet up on the files on top of her desk. Well, technically, Otis’s desk since she hadn’t been promoted to desk level status yet. “… I am all out of fucks to give a sad little rich boy. Because, at the end of the day, you’re still a billionaire fuck up. And I’m the kind of fuck up trying to pay off my crippling debt by working minimum wage at a shady job that’s probably going to land me in jail so…”
“You don’t have to be a dick about it, y’know? I just— I don’t know what I thought I was gonna get out of this.”
He wanted to talk to someone sympathetic, alright? Someone who might get how fucked up it was and how bad he felt for even a second so he didn’t feel so alone. Less like a aimless, meaningless mass floating through the lives of others and ruining them. A black hole, or some shit. He didn’t really know that much about space, but it seemed appropriate.
“All I’m getting at is you’re lucky. Your life is still reasonably okay, and you haven’t destroyed everything you have. Because you haven’t really fucked up.”