Autumn weather makes me want to travel. The heat of the summer is mostly over, and the rains and snows of winter have not come on full force, which in my opinion makes it prime for travel. Maybe next year I can do an international trip during the season.
Altruism is the 8th deadly sin
Everyone is familiar with the seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. These have been written about since early Christianity, even though they are not in the Bible. The reason we modify these sins as deadly is each one in extreme is lethal. But in modern society, an eighth sin has exposed itself and should be added to the line-up, altruism.
What is altruism? It’s the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others. On first glance, this seems like a fine idea for one to strive to as it’s instilled in most people to help others less fortunate than yourself. However, the point to which people do it nowadays, forfeiting their own safety or their own children’s safety to placate to radical notions like no background check immigration or ruining their economic good fortunate through strangling climate change restrictions, it has become a sin. People throw out any common sense and blindly accept the extolled virtue of altruism to the extreme of sacrificing themselves, their loved ones, and their community.
The sin of altruism has several levels, each one plunging the sinner further down the rabbit hole. The first level is virtue signaling. It’s the easiest form this sin takes as all the sinner has to do is make a social media post or be vocal about how much they supposedly care and their feelings. While this is technically not acting altruistic, the person virtue signaling wants to be viewed as altruistic.
The second level is inhibiting your life for the sake of the cause you care about. A person becomes vegan because they think it saves animals or eating beef contributes to climate change. Another individual shops only at grocery stores where you must bring your own containers as they are trying to live a life without plastics. These are all fine things. I want to emphasize I am not critiquing the manner in which these people choose to live their life. Nearly every person who lives like this incessantly posts on social media and constantly tries to shame everyone else into living like them. Not only are they being altruistic in sacrificing their bodies or time - they are claiming they are better for it and everyone should be like them.
The final level of altruism builds off that idea. Not only is this person more “virtuous” than you for choosing to live a certain way, they are now actively taking measures to force you to live the same way as they do. A person votes in favor of a carbon tax on energy bills because they think throwing money at a problem will fix it. This will disproportionately affect poorer individuals as they can’t afford a tax hike, but what is more poverty to climate change? The altruistic intentions are now harming others in your community as well as yourself, even if the person chooses to ignore it or claims the suffering makes them better, like with the gas price hike since Biden took office.
What scares me the most is as I get older is I see more people pushing for their third level. One example is continued lockdowns due to fear of Covid. Many people have lost their jobs, committed suicide, and are financially ruined due to this past year of lockdowns. If you want to continue to lockdown - it’s a free society and you are more than welcome to impose that on yourself. But forcing everyone else to live like you because of altruistic intentions is a deadly sin and it’s time to face the consequences.
Actions Have Consequences
One of the biggest problems with generations since Roe vs. Wade was decided is the effort by the government (and particularly progressives) to eliminate the fact that actions have consequences. They don’t want people to have to experience any comeuppances whether it is jail time for a crime or having a child, no matter what they’ve done. In my opinion, this is one of the most dangerous teachings that needs to be rectified now or it will be too late.
When people stop knowing actions have consequences, you see the rise of communist/totalitarian ideals being purported and the absolute loyalty to government. And this is perhaps the governments and progressives goal behind this insidious teaching, so that they can have population obedience and utter control over your life. In exchange, the government will wipe away your sins and you won’t have to make amends for your misdeeds, no matter if it’s stealing or murder.
These past couple generations have ALL had entitlement complexes about this, but Millennials and Gen-Z showcase it more through social media. They are also willing to take it further as it is subsidized through government organizations, corporations, and private donors who indulge them but have ulterior motives and treat them as pawns for their own endgame. I think the next generation is going to be the make or break generation, where we either fully give our rights to the government for sins without repercussions or begin taking responsibility and reigning in the government and our vices.
On Freedom
The issue around freedom depends on where you think freedom comes from, whether it is an inherent, natural right or one granted by the government. If you believe the former, this is how the American Constitution is written and is the correct answer: Freedom precedes government. If you believe the latter, you are the evil the American Constitution is written to protect against.
There is no ‘ism’ that can be attached to this or made in argument against it since natural rights are the most inclusive. They do not require any permissions or are granted on behalf of, eliminating the prejudice that comes from those who are power hungry.
Should you choose not to recognize your inherent freedom, this is a you problem. It is your decision to give it away to a government or special interest group that can place limitations on your freedom. But you must realize that once given away, it is a herculean task to get it back. And the blame for losing your freedom is entirely on yourself.
Some thoughts on vaccine passports
How are vaccine passports okay but voter ids not? You’d think securing our elections would be higher priority than a virus with a 98% survival rate. Also, if the argument is voter ids are racist, then wouldn’t that apply for this new form of identification?
Why would you want your medical information more accessible to hackers by putting it on an app that would likely not comply with HIPAA? Medical identity theft is real and the last thing you want is for people to get access to your medical history.
Additionally, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) has strict restrictions and standards on how personal identifiable information (PII) regarding your health and medical history is handled and stored. If you put health information on a random app, it is highly doubtful it will comply with HIPAA.
If you have to show your vaccine passport for travel, is everyone reviewing the passports going to be trained on dealing with PII? Considering California’s new privacy laws and other states jumping on the bandwagon, there will need to be some amendments regarding this new fad of giving out your medical information and how its handled by non-medical professional people.
Since people have the option to opt out of other vaccines like polio and HPV and tetanus, why is the covid vaccine mandatory? Consider meningitis, with a death rate of around 20%. Shouldn’t that vaccine be mandatory? Some colleges and universities require it if you want to live in the dorms.
Altruism is the 8th deadly sin
Everyone is familiar with the seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. These have been written about since early Christianity, even though they are not in the Bible. The reason we modify these sins as deadly is each one in extreme is lethal. But in modern society, an eighth sin has exposed itself and should be added to the line-up, altruism.
What is altruism? It’s the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others. On first glance, this seems like a fine idea for one to strive to as it’s instilled in most people to help others less fortunate than yourself. However, the point to which people do it nowadays, forfeiting their own safety or their own children’s safety to placate to radical notions like no background check immigration or ruining their economic good fortunate through strangling climate change restrictions, it has become a sin. People throw out any common sense and blindly accept the extolled virtue of altruism to the extreme of sacrificing themselves, their loved ones, and their community.
The sin of altruism has several levels, each one plunging the sinner further down the rabbit hole. The first level is virtue signaling. It’s the easiest form this sin takes as all the sinner has to do is make a social media post or be vocal about how much they supposedly care and their feelings. While this is technically not acting altruistic, the person virtue signaling wants to be viewed as altruistic.
The second level is inhibiting your life for the sake of the cause you care about. A person becomes vegan because they think it saves animals or eating beef contributes to climate change. Another individual shops only at grocery stores where you must bring your own containers as they are trying to live a life without plastics. These are all fine things. I want to emphasize I am not critiquing the manner in which these people choose to live their life. Nearly every person who lives like this incessantly posts on social media and constantly tries to shame everyone else into living like them. Not only are they being altruistic in sacrificing their bodies or time - they are claiming they are better for it and everyone should be like them.
The final level of altruism builds off that idea. Not only is this person more “virtuous” than you for choosing to live a certain way, they are now actively taking measures to force you to live the same way as they do. A person votes in favor of a carbon tax on energy bills because they think throwing money at a problem will fix it. This will disproportionately affect poorer individuals as they can’t afford a tax hike, but what is more poverty to climate change? The altruistic intentions are now harming others in your community as well as yourself, even if the person chooses to ignore it or claims the suffering makes them better, like with the gas price hike since Biden took office.
What scares me the most is as I get older is I see more people pushing for their third level. One example is continued lockdowns due to fear of Covid. Many people have lost their jobs, committed suicide, and are financially ruined due to this past year of lockdowns. If you want to continue to lockdown - it’s a free society and you are more than welcome to impose that on yourself. But forcing everyone else to live like you because of altruistic intentions is a deadly sin and it’s time to face the consequences.
Why is Craigslist asking me to sign in to “manage my post”? Everyone uses Craigslist so they can quickly post, make some cash, and get rid of their shit anonymously.
Between this new bullshit and the eBay changes, does no company realize why people use their platforms? They are all pushing away their core customer base.
Some thoughts on vaccine passports
How are vaccine passports okay but voter ids not? You’d think securing our elections would be higher priority than a virus with a 98% survival rate. Also, if the argument is voter ids are racist, then wouldn’t that apply for this new form of identification?
Why would you want your medical information more accessible to hackers by putting it on an app that would likely not comply with HIPAA? Medical identity theft is real and the last thing you want is for people to get access to your medical history.
Additionally, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) has strict restrictions and standards on how personal identifiable information (PII) regarding your health and medical history is handled and stored. If you put health information on a random app, it is highly doubtful it will comply with HIPAA.
If you have to show your vaccine passport for travel, is everyone reviewing the passports going to be trained on dealing with PII? Considering California’s new privacy laws and other states jumping on the bandwagon, there will need to be some amendments regarding this new fad of giving out your medical information and how its handled by non-medical professional people.
Since people have the option to opt out of other vaccines like polio and HPV and tetanus, why is the covid vaccine mandatory? Consider meningitis, with a death rate of around 20%. Shouldn’t that vaccine be mandatory? Some colleges and universities require it if you want to live in the dorms.
Additional thoughts on vaccine passports:
In case of emergency, resources will be given to those who are vaccinated first, rather than valuing all life. With the recent eruption on St. Vincent, only people who are vaccinated can board a cruise ship and seek refuge on other islands. Anyone not vaccinated must remain in a government shelter on the island. Just because one person is vaccinated and another is not does not mean their life is worth more. And the government abusing this information is deplorable and is a perfect example of how the government cannot be trusted with your medical history.
Some thoughts on vaccine passports
How are vaccine passports okay but voter ids not? You’d think securing our elections would be higher priority than a virus with a 98% survival rate. Also, if the argument is voter ids are racist, then wouldn’t that apply for this new form of identification?
Why would you want your medical information more accessible to hackers by putting it on an app that would likely not comply with HIPAA? Medical identity theft is real and the last thing you want is for people to get access to your medical history.
Additionally, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) has strict restrictions and standards on how personal identifiable information (PII) regarding your health and medical history is handled and stored. If you put health information on a random app, it is highly doubtful it will comply with HIPAA.
If you have to show your vaccine passport for travel, is everyone reviewing the passports going to be trained on dealing with PII? Considering California’s new privacy laws and other states jumping on the bandwagon, there will need to be some amendments regarding this new fad of giving out your medical information and how its handled by non-medical professional people.
Since people have the option to opt out of other vaccines like polio and HPV and tetanus, why is the covid vaccine mandatory? Consider meningitis, with a death rate of around 20%. Shouldn’t that vaccine be mandatory? Some colleges and universities require it if you want to live in the dorms.
I am halfway through The Greatest Showman, and honestly if they didn’t use auto-tune on everyone’s voices it would be at least 65% better. Every time Hugh Jackman sings and I hear the auto-tune I want to just turn the movie off.
It would also vastly improve if they didn’t make every song a wannabe radio pop hit.
The new year won’t change anything if you keep doing the same shit. If you are aiming for self improvement or bettering your life, start today and not tomorrow.
Doom Patrol season 2 ends at a terrible point. They couldn’t make 1 more episode?
I wish there was a way to decline the “stimulus” check. It isn’t free money, it won’t stimulate the economy, and borrowing from tomorrow for today is a terrible way to live your life.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald could have been vastly improved with some tweaking.
1) Colin Farrell and Johnny Depp’s acting roles should have been switched. I think Colin would have been a better choice for the long-term character instead of a short-term disguise.
2) Creedence Barebone should have died. The little wisp at the end floating away indicating he somehow survived, then winds up in France in the second film is weird and doesn’t make sense. It would also eliminate the entire “who is Creedence” story which subtracts from Grindelwald’s rise.
3) Tina should have been the one to join Grindelwald’s cause, not Queenie. Tina is the one who doesn’t believe no-majs and wizards should be in relationships, is an outcast with a crappy career path, and has a hard time relating to people.
4) Once Tina joined Grindelwald, that’d be the push to make Newt choose a side. Leta dying shouldn’t be what makes Newt change his neutrality. It also adds weight to Leta’s statement “You never met a monster you couldn’t love.”
5) Leta should have joined Grindelwald and not died. There was nothing in the backstory to indicate she would sacrifice herself, and every thing pointed toward her embracing her darker nature. It also would have been an opportunity for the brothers to mend their broken relationship with both their women joining Grindelwald and allowed for some deep soul searching in the third installment about whether they contributed to their loved ones’ choices or if they ever knew them at all.
6) Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald should have focused more on the actual crimes of Grindelwald. Like all you got was him escaping, then killing a family to take over their home. And while those things aren’t great, I was hoping to see some of the crimes he has committed thus far, and then hints at in the future.
7) Some explanation of how Grindelwald seems to know everyone. Is he talented at legilimency like Queenie? Does he just read wizard family bios? This second movie should have really started building the Grindelwald character for the audience.
8) I don’t mind Nagini being introduced, however I do mind that they tied her story with Creedence’s. I think it would have been far more interesting for Grindelwald to woo Nagini with the promise of reversing the blood curse that makes her a Maledictus, jumpstarting her career of following dark wizards over false promises.
The Supreme Court should not be used to further a political agenda. While some decisions are inherently politicized, a judge should not be appointed to cast judgement in favor of a certain law or policy because they are politically partial to it.
Many progressives believe the opposite of that, like with the appointment of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Rather than clarifying how the Constitution applies to laws, technology, and other issues, she used her personal beliefs to further an agenda. This is in direct opposition to why the Supreme Court was created, and to how to should continue to operate.
Considering my name regularly gets misspelled even though it’s in my email signature, I highly doubt adding your preferred pronouns in is going to stop people from misgendering you.
For the record, I have a very common, easy to spell name. However, people are stupid and have low reading comprehension OR just feel like being a petty asshole, which leads to it being misspelled so frequently. And for these same reasons your he/him/his or she/her/hers are going to fail.
Additionally, if not using your preferred pronouns or someone incorrectly spelling your name sets you off into a rage, perhaps a therapist is in order.
Final thoughts on the debate
I quit watching. I couldn’t stand listening to them anymore, which is pathetic to say.
-Trump’s 2 minute tangent on why you should vote for him was a nightmare. Considering Chris said this was the agreement for the debate, that each candidate would get 2 minutes to tell the audience why you should vote for them, you would think he would have prepared a solid statement instead of running his mouth; -Trump interrupting Biden’s 2 minutes was rude; -However as Biden was giving his response it seemed like his memory glitched, he looked down at the podium, and got back on track with this statement which was weird; -Trump bringing up Hunter Biden at an inappropriate time does nothing for this campaign; -Biden not understanding the defund the police question was odd; -Trump’s response about white supremacy was odd; -Chris asking Trump if they wanted to switch places was totally bizarre.
In summary, the real losers of this debate are us Americans as neither candidate is worthy of the job. Biden is a puppet and should Harris become President that will be a totalitarian nightmare. Trump should be a little more professional after 3 years in office and act like he represents the people he leads.