If America were strong, China would know they could not get away with stunts like this. But because America is weak, China can do what it wants and America will just lay down and accept it.
While the Chinese may be sticking to International Waters, it is disturbing how far north they have ventured. The article doesn’t say how close they came to Alaska, but it quotes some bonehead Bonnie Glaser stating, “China’s navy is going to increasingly become a blue water navy,” she said. “I don’t think we should be alarmed by it.”
Yes, we should be alarmed by it. China doesn’t have a legitimate reason to “expand their military power in tandem with their economic power.” And if that’s their reason, then with their stock market crash, shouldn’t their military shrink in tandem with their economic power? I doubt it. Point is, China knows there is no one to challenge them at the moment, and are doing things they should not be doing just because they can get away with it. (This include the cyberespionage and their building of islands in the South China Sea).