Why are people looking to social medias and corporations for their moral compass? Facebook continually blocks opinions and posts they don’t agree with, corporations only post messages in the hopes people will buy their product-their moral compasses are completely contrived and fake!
Additionally, their morals are delivered in over simplified, digestible packets meant for mass consumption. They are always black and white, and often conflated with ethics. While morals and ethics are related, they are not the same and this is where many people have a hard time discerning the differences and understanding the nuances.
For instance, killing a person is morally wrong. However when the murder is in self-defense, the line in the sand shifts-it is ethically right to protect yourself or others from harm. An attacker with a purpose or agenda might not stop with a warning shot, and deadly force may become necessary. Morals are the framework, while ethics let you know when the frame needs to be bent.
Facebook banning posts related to Kyle Rittenhouse not being a murderer is censorship, should not be misconstrued as a moral compass, and truly showcases the power that social media and corporations have on public opinion. The decision to ban such a post isn’t moral, it’s amoral and a form of censorship. Freedom of speech encompasses differences of opinion even if you don’t like or agree with it. If Facebook was actually interested in supporting the Constitution and being moral, it would allow any post at any time, and not put people into Facebook jail for disagreeing them.
One last point I’d like to make is if you require social medias and corporations constantly reinforcing your “morals”, you aren’t very committed to them and your morals are probably not well defined. I don’t need to see what I believe on the internet and re-post it multiple times a day, or leave ludicrous comments like “THIS.” This what? If you can’t explain why you agree with something then I don’t believe you understand the topic at hand.