RWRB Movie: Firstprince Relationship Development as told through Condom types
(I can't believe I'm doing this lmfao what the fuck)
I saw a post about this on Weibo last year but I never saw it here lol
As we know, Alex and Henry practice safe sex and Matthew, Robbie and the props department made sure of that
But they also made the choice of protection have a character development
So you have Paris where we can see two opened condom wrappers on the left of the screen, one on the bedside table and one on the floor
Judging by the colour, that, is this
Extra Safe. I mean, it's their first time, so that makes sense
But then you have DNC, quite some time into their relationship, and we see this
A blue bottle of lube and an opened golden box
Now that golden box of condoms is this
"Skin-on-skin feeling" huh? Well things really progressed and they are clearly much more passionate, loving and trusting in this relationship.
you have Kensington where we presume they made love because of the situation and the fact that they are both naked and
What do you see on the bedside table? Books, two glasses of water, a photo frame, all standard stuff found in a bedroom. Anything related to sexual protection? Nothing.
So I'm just gonna assume they both got checked before they decided that they wanted the real skin-on-skin. If you wanna so deeper it can also mean that after the V&A they now trust and love each other without secrets or restraint.
So yeah firstprince relationship development as told through condoms