#witch tip 101 – @iridesca-enchantress on Tumblr

Iridesca Enchantress

@iridesca-enchantress /

🧙‍♀️Black witch 🤎 Nonbinary🏳️‍🌈 Artsy-craft🎨 Autistic🧸 New Hoodoo Practioner #softgirlhoodoo Respect trans men/women 🏳️‍⚧️ DNI❗️Minors (besafekids!) Terfs/"Gender critical", N@zis, Racists, Pędøs, Homophobes,pro-lifers aren't welcome here😊🖕🏽

Witch tip 101: Sometimes if and when you feel like your in a stagnant rut, its best to get creative. Usually one is stagnant and restless as a result of built up energy without an outlet. So for this try doing something new. Try a new hobby, or work on that art project you put on the back burner. Heck! Put on your favorite tunes and start dancing sporadically. Cause its time to get weird!

"Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake your body line! Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake it all the time!"


Witch tip 101: If you ever so go out at night during late or super early morning hours for a ritual. Please bring your phone and some form of protection. Especially in isolated areas. Or perhaps bring a ritual buddy. The world is not your friend and nature can be cruel. Please be safe when you practice.

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