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In the Dark Trees

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Beautiful Girl Buried Alive, 1935

I know I’ll like it. I won’t have to worry about traffic lights, and I’ll take plenty of books to read. I’m just nuts on aviation and I’ve got several books on aviation to read while I’m down there.

Diagram shows how 19-year-old Gloria Graves, the “buried alive girl,” lived in her underground coffin for 92 days. For 10¢, customers could peer down the 8 foot airshaft at the smiling beauty with corn-yellow hair. Nearly immobile in her steel tomb, Gloria stared back, a bare light bulb illuminating her face.

sources:  Los Angeles Examiner, 1935;  D. J. Waldie, ”The Case of the Buried Blonde”


Gloria Graves is dug up from her steel tomb, Los Angeles, 1935

19-year-old Gloria Graves has been arrested for violating the city's Marathon ordinance outlawing contests and entertainments involving endurance that might affect participants' health due to locking herself in a steel tomb for the past week at Fifth Street and Vermont Avenue. Gloria's open coffin rests on solid ground with her still inside of it. The inside of her coffin is white with a speaker attached to the inside so she could communicate with outsiders and a light bulb so she could see.

"Tomb Girl's Bail Fixed," Los Angeles Times, 17 Nov 1935

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