Reversed roles for Herongraystairs? As in, Tessa being the cursed one, Jem being the warlock and Will being the sick one, or any other combination
I think that would be interesting but ultimately really hard to pull off.
Both Tessa and Jem’s solution to the curse would be to withdraw. Will’s weird decision to be among people and just be mean to them so they don’t like him is bizarre and ultimately a function of his inability to live alone or without love. The other two are not as selfish.
I love Will and don’t mean to imply that he is cruel when I call him selfish but he’s one of those people who seems to believe that he can control the universe just by wanting things enough. His approach to this kind of stuff is weird.
Tessa would likely go live in the woods.
Jem would probably go all lone wolf and try and help people without getting involved.
No wait, that’s a cool idea.
I go on and on so a cut goes here: