I fucking hate Steven Moffat so fucking much. He’s considering having the Doctor regenerate back into Matt fucking Smith. There’s a million other fucking actors that would do great in the role, dammit! But nooo, he’s gotta screw up the show just to appease the damn fangirls.
Like, I’d even be pissed if he did this with Tennant. It’s a shit idea. It’s like Moffat just sits down and writes down all the ideas he can on how best to fuck up the show’s canon and piss off as many fans as possible. He’s done some really crappy things to the show over the past few years, but this definitely tops them all.
There’s literally no evidence he is, though. Don’t fall for clickbait headlines. They’ve taken one line of his about how Matt Smith misses the job and turned it into ludicrous speculation being passed off as news.
Besides which, the next Doctor isn’t even Moffat’s choice – it’s Chris Chibnall’s. And Chibnall has already gone on record as asking Capaldi to return. It is not done in this industry to extend an offer to an actor and then go ‘lol nvm,’ especially the incumbent actor. That would be poor business and probably get him a very bad rap as a showrunner before he even started.
Moffat and Chibnall are both friends of good friends of mine, and I don’t know which I resent more: a stranger insulting a friend of a friend on a baseless rumour, or a stranger calling into question another friend of a friend’s professionalism.
Please check your sources.