Waxers tummy troubles on Umbara
The WaxerBoilMonth discord r to blame for Waxer now having got nothing from umbara but ibs and a life long sentence of being teased for passing out on Captain Rex
@insertmeaningfulusername / insertmeaningfulusername.tumblr.com
Waxers tummy troubles on Umbara
The WaxerBoilMonth discord r to blame for Waxer now having got nothing from umbara but ibs and a life long sentence of being teased for passing out on Captain Rex
Cropped version of a spicy/lovey sketch on AO3
Waxer visits Boil to make him promise him something.
*hands you this one (1) fic I wrote for @clonefandomevents' Haunted Clone Week 2023* It ain't much but it's honest work. Written for the day 5 prompt "Mistaking a Ghost for a Living Person".
small talk? it was quite big to me. i love you
@waxerboilmonth week 4! Prompts were “forehead kisses” and “Palpatine dies, everybody lives.” Here’s a little bit of both!
A little blurb for the picture:
They’d been getting ready to deploy, the weight of the galaxy on their shoulders, the anticipation of “maybe this is it, we’ll get Grievous this time” coiled tight in the bellies of every 212th trooper.
They loaded the venator, they packed their things - few though they may be - and they got ready for the jump to Utapau.
And then suddenly it was over. They didn’t know what had happened. They weren’t jumping to Utapau, they weren’t even loaded onto the venator anymore.
Something had happened.
The rumor was another brother had done it. A commander. Not just any commander but the Coruscant Guard’s own Marshal Commander - Fox.
Boil found he almost couldn’t breathe from the wave of emotions that flowed through while he watched the holonet news feed. Hands on his hips -bucket having been abandoned somewhere between the ship, the barracks, and where he stood now in City Plaza - he couldn’t stop reading the headline:
Palpatine Dead - shot by guard in senate basement
His ears perked and he spun around, arms open and ready for the ball of sunshine that was barreling his way.
“Did you see? Is it real? It’s real isn’t it?! It’s over? It’s really over?!” Waxer yelled as he jumped into Boil’s arms.
Armor be damned, Waxer could’ve weighed 1000 pounds and Boil wouldn’t have felt the difference. He’d never felt so light and happy in his entire life as Waxer showered his forehead with sloppy wet kisses.
“Yeah,” Boil laughed, squeezing Waxer as tight as their armor would allow as ticker-tape and confetti rained down around them, “I think it’s really over.”