EVERYBODY QUIET. I'm thinking about data practising his smile in front of the mona lisa
Literally every neurodivergent person when somebody mentions their interest.
I made a GIF of Picard getting excited about horses so I can use it when someone mentions my hyperfixation
one more opinion about star trek fashion
it actually shouldn’t look like stuff you would wear (or at least a lot of it shouldn’t)
i’ve seen a lot of praise for modern trek fashion being better than classic trek because ‘people would actually wear that’
look at what people wore as everyday fashion 200-300 years ago, would you wear it? probably not, maybe for the novelty of it, but definitely not every day.
like, yeah this stuff looks crazy
misc tos redraws and silly things
One time I was ringing up this sweet older gentleman at the sex shop. I no longer remember what he was buying, just that he was in his fifties and radiated a bumbling gentleness that I had enjoyed.
He was chatting with me as he pulled out cash to pay, “You know, I always thought it would be so much easier to meet ladies. But then you meet a girl and you start chatting and they’re never as impressed that I know Captain Kirk’s middle name as I expected them to be.”
I took his payment with a grin and said, “I dunno, Tiberius is an amazing middle name, it was their loss.”
He looked at me with utter awe, radiating a disbelieving joy that I’d parried his quip so effortlessly with Trekkie lore. “If I were thirty years younger…” he’d said, absolutely delighted.
I didn’t have the heart to tell him I was gay to boot, so I just beamed and wished him a good day. He went out the door with a spring in his step and I still smile to think about it.
Is he GAY? Is he ALIVE? Is he GAY? Is he DEAD? Is he GAY?
1 second of every star trek tos episode enjoy
STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (1987-1994) “All Good Things…” (7.25/7.26)
me going in the gender neutral bathroom to pee
cannot get over this lighting
TOS lighting is one of the things that I sincerely love about the show. It was made to sell fancy brand new color TV's, but it also had to look dramatic on existing black and white sets. They do incredible things with contrast in order to keep it looking crisp and exciting on both types of screens. But it's also clear that the lighting directors were having fun. The goal was to "make it pop" and make people feel transported. You don't see anything else like it.
Nichelle Nichols on meeting Martin Luther King Jr.
“I said “I’m going to leave Star Trek because (I was going to say ‘because I have an offer to star in) …I never got that far”
He said “You cannot - you cannot”
and I felt like that little boy Willis “What you talkin’ about Dr. King”
(laughs) “But you know I didn’t say that”
“But I was taken aback, and I didn’t say anything, I just looked at him”
He said “Don’t you know understand what this man [Gene] has achieved?”
“I just looked at him” and he said “For the first time on television we will be seen as we should be seen every day – as intelligent, quality, beautiful people who can sing, dance, but who can also go into space, who can be lawyers, who can be teachers, who can be professors - who ARE on this day, and yet you don’t see it on television – until now…”
“and he went on and I could say nothing, I just stood there, realizing every word that he was saying was the truth”
“and he said, “Gene Roddenberry has opened a door for the world to see us. If you leave that door can be closed. You see your role is not a black role, and it’s not a female role, he can fill it with anything - including an alien”
“And in that moment the world tilted for me, and I knew then, that I was something else, that the world was not the same. That’s all I could think of, what Dr. King said ‘the world sees us as we should be seen’ “and Iremember being angry come sunday. “Why me? Why should I have to?…
“Whatever happened come Monday morning I went to Gene, and I’m not sure to this day what I was going to say. He’s sitting behind that same dang desk and he had whoever he was talking to leave because I went there first. And I said “Gene, and I told him what happened” and I told him “If you still want me to stay, I’ll stay - I have to” and he opened his drawer and said “God bless Dr. Martin Luther king, somebody knows where I’m coming from” and he took out my resignation — that was torn into a hundred pieces and handed me the pile, and we just stood there looking at each other, and I finally said “Thank you, Gene, and he said “Thank you, Nichelle”
“And my life’s never been the same since, I’ve never looked back, I’ve never regretted it. Because I understood the universe had somehow put me there, and we have choices - are we gonna walk down this road? are we gonna walk the other..and it was the right road for me”
Saru: A Flat Ass Icon
Kirk mpreg? it's more likely than you think
[…] and though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend
DATA & SPOT in STAR TREK: the next generation (1987-1994) + STAR TREK: generations (1994)
+ bonus: