#quinfox – @insertmeaningfulusername on Tumblr

Emmentaler cheese brain in chief

@insertmeaningfulusername /

Shevek (they/them, fae/faer, es/sein, 21+) - this is where I keep the stuff I'm fond of, so follow at your own risk (nsfw posts not tagged) I'm not your parent or your teacher, curate your own online experience - block me if you don't follow the Ship And Let Ship principle my AO3 account - need an ao3 invitation? hmu!

Quinlan Vos’ Guide to Under-Cover Missions in Extremely Hostile Enemy Territory


“No, stop,” Quinlan Vos hissed and reached out to try and pull the blanket back down. “You’re blowing my cover.” Fox sighed. “I think the only blowing anyone’s doing is you, and you’re doing it to a fuse.” At last, he allowed himself to crouch down in front of Vos’ blanket hideaway to try and parse its contents beyond the Jedi’s very shapely yet—in Fox’s opinion—too long body. “What are you doing under there?” At last, a smile cracked the surface of Vos’ resting bitch face. “I’m on an undercover mission. Under-cover—get it? Under your bed covers?” He plucked at one of the blankets.

My (very late) submission for the @foxquinweek 2025 day 7 art prompt "Undercover" (no it's not art, it's fic) 🏃


QuinFox Week Day 2 Prompt: Wing AU

The feathers of Fox’s wings whispered like a thousand tiny little wishes as he unfolded them from his back and wrapped them around Quinlan, shielding him from the gazes of the few troopers they passed on the way to Fox’s private quarters. Quin leaned into Fox’s side, even as they walked, and chuckled under his breath. “Showing them how much you missed me?” “No.” Fox tightened his grip on Quin’s waist, only stopping when the Jedi released a quiet wheeze. “Showing them you’re mine.”

@foxquinweek another thing I had finished like, a week ago but only got around to posting now.

Maybe not the skimpily dressed hero Coruscant needs, but definitely the one it deserves

I've got a perfectly reasonable QuinFox explanation for this, and I will link it as soon as @insertmeaningfulusername posts it!

HERE is my reason: Coruscant (K)Nights Please check it out and shower Shevek with some love <3 you'll learn far sooner what Quinlan looks like in this AU than if you had to wait for me to get around to drawing him too :3


QuinFox Week Alternate Prompt: Secret Identity

By day, he is known as Marshall Commander Fox, brave leader of the Coruscant Guard. But at night, he is...the CRIMSON VIXEN!!! Or: By night, the Crimson Vixen and Shadowblade, his partner in crime fighting, prowl the streets of Coruscant to make them at least a little safer. During the day, however, Marshall Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard is less than enthused about having to accept Jedi Shadow Quinlan Vos as his new buddy.

Hey @foxquinweek, I finally managed to post something!! It's not much, but it's honest work.


Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Legends - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox/Quinlan Vos, CC-1010 | Fox & Leia Organa Characters: CC-1010 | Fox, Leia Organa, Quinlan Vos, Mon Mothma Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Rebellion Era (Star Wars), The Rebellion | Alliance to Restore the Republic (Star Wars), POV CC-1010 | Fox, POV Third Person Limited, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Force-Sensitive CC-1010 | Fox, Hurt Quinlan Vos, Protective CC-1010 | Fox, BAMF CC-1010 | Fox Series: Part 3 of FoxQuin Week 2025, Part 1 of hope for the future got me on my knees


Fox has spent nineteen years guarding the princess of Alderaan with his life. So when she asks him to take on an extraction mission and rescue a captured Jedi, of course he goes.

Neither of them were expecting the one he finds.

Written for @foxquinweek day seven! Prompts were ‘Force-sensitive Fox’ and the alternate quote prompt “I will always find you.”


Quinlan didn’t even noticed when it happened. One second, he was sure he’s going to die, the Sith was laughing in his face… The second, Palpatine was dead and Fox was standing in the door and his hand holding the blaster wasn’t even shaking.

For @foxquinweek day 5: Fox kill the chancellor

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