#cody and obi wan – @insertmeaningfulusername on Tumblr

Emmentaler cheese brain in chief

@insertmeaningfulusername /

Shevek (they/them, fae/faer, es/sein, 21+) - this is where I keep the stuff I'm fond of, so follow at your own risk (nsfw posts not tagged) I'm not your parent or your teacher, curate your own online experience - block me if you don't follow the Ship And Let Ship principle my AO3 account - need an ao3 invitation? hmu!
“Then I suppose you’ll be wanting this,” Cody said, holding up the lightsaber his men had recovered from a traffic tunnel. “I believe you dropped it, sir.”
“Ah. Ah, yes.” 
The weapon floated gently up to Kenobi’s hand, and when he smiled down at the clone commander again, Cody could swear the Jedi Master was blushing, just a bit. “No, ah, need to mention this to, erm, Anakin, is there, Cody?” 
Cody grinned. “Is that an order, sir?” 
Kenobi shook his head, chuckling tiredly. “Let’s go. You’ll have noticed I did manage to leave a few droids for you …” 
“Yes, sir.” A silent buzzing vibration came from a compartment concealed within his armor. Cody frowned. “Go on ahead, General. We’ll be right behind you.”

Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover


Cody, honey, watcha thinking?

Can I just bring this to your attention

  • Cody has a big ass gun with him while Obi-Wan talks to Hondo. Cody, what do you think Hondo is gonna do? Maybe he has that gun as a /friendly/ reminder to not try anything.
  • He's right behind Obi-Wan too, not by his side, literally right behind him watching over his shoulder. Cody is definitely glaring at Hondo under his bucket. Like 'I have this big ass gun and the ability to kick your ass it. Don't try anything'
  • The way he's standing?? He's always at attention but here he is standing so damn casually. Oh and the way Obi-Wan's standing??? The fact that they're leaning towards each other
  • Cody's little annoyed headshake and how he keeps his eyes on Honda before Obi-Wan's face is visible because to Cody that means Obi-Wan has dismissed Hondo as not a threat and by turning to face Cody, he's telling him they're in no danger and also is like 'Hondo really do be like that'
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