that’s not enough for me.
inhislight reblogged
inhislight reblogged
I want to write a novel about silence. The things people don’t say.
Virginia Woolf (via quotemadness)
inhislight reblogged
Ready for a f i g h t
inhislight reblogged
emma & killian horse riding together (✿◠‿◠) ̇·٠•●♥
inhislight reblogged
Emma Swan in the 5.05 Promo Pictures [x]
inhislight reblogged
#can this kiss get more fairytale-esque? #more romantic? #more EVERYTHING? #the answer is - NAH #(unless they kiss a little longer) #because this kiss is literally the epitome of a fairytale romance #& they’re getting it #even if for a little while #(yours truly has been emotionally compromised #bYE)
inhislight reblogged
Source: captainswanouat
inhislight reblogged
#this episode was beautiful # the parallels were insane # and also the differences to show that where Arthur and Guinevere failed #Killian and Emma succeeded # she allowed her love for him to overcome her obsession # which allowed for Rumple to disappear #where as Arthur manipulated and took away Guinevere’s agency # to get them to their goal #Camelot still does not have a king #and it’s still broken # but this episode showed us where Arthur and Guinevere failed # Killian and Emma succeeded #the orphaned king of Camelot # that is needed to fix # the still broken kingdom #is somebody that we’ve all #known and loved for a long time # Killian and Emma and their love # will complete Camelot and # he is the true king of Camelot # the true wielder of Excalibur # and Emma Swan his queen.
inhislight reblogged
All you have to do is trust me.
inhislight reblogged
289/365 days of Emma Swan
inhislight reblogged
This is about you putting your faith in me. In our future … I’ll never stop fighting for us. All you have to do is trust me.