this is the best canon picture of hannibal.
Does a gay little bill nye impression that pisses u off
will: I'd like a grilled cheese.
waittress: of course coming right up sir
hannibal: interesting... when one applies heat to the square slice of cheese on your sandwich, it will undergo a metamorphosis. What was once a solid now becomes liquid...perhaps too much so to contain between slices of toasted bread. Yet we will still call it cheese. Tell me Will, have you become difficult to contain under the heat of your past? Or are you still an innocent slice of cheese,
It's the little things.
fuck all romance except whatever that sweaty twitchy dude and weird gay cannibal had going on
it's surreal, feeling like one of the last of the first fabnibals. does anyone remember the count down to season 2? does anyone remember the 13 hour devour where we all rewatched season one at home, waiting on Bryan Fuller himself to tell us when we're starting and his realtime commentary on twitter? is there another person on here who remembers when Mads was on the nbchannibal tumblr for a few hours and sent the entire fandom in to a panic? does anyone even remember the official nbchannibal tumblr??
“Not fond of eye contact, are you?”
Hannibal + first and last eye contact with Will
You know the scene where Hannibal frees himself after the Verger massacre?
That one scene with Mads Mikkelswn wearing nothing but a collar, his face all scarred, and that little smile on his face?
(gifs are not mine.)
Apparently my very Straight™️ guy friend was pretty bothered by this scene and started questioning his sexuality because of it.
Bryan would be proud.
“I love you like a vulture loves / the careless deer at the roadside.”
— Traci Brimhall, from “Love Poem Without a Drop of Hyperbole in It,” published in The New Yorker
it’s about damn time he had some shoes to match his fabulous murder suit
Will: breathes Hannibal, already crying: I love you so much
That’s it, that’s the whole ship. Everyone go home.