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@inexplicifics /

Fell headfirst into the Witcher fandom, and not quite sure what I'm doing. inexplicifics on AO3.

Hello friends!

I am the writer of the Accidental Warlord and His Pack, which is probably how you found me. I am astonished and delighted by how much joy it has brought to everyone, and utterly gleeful at how many people have chosen to come and play in my silly AU. All my fics, Accidental Warlord and otherwise, are available on AO3.

My askbox is open! I am happy to answer most questions (unless they’re spoilers) and I cherish all the asks I get, even if I don’t respond. I am inexplicifics#2690 on Discord, and am always happy to make new friends there. I answer to inexplicifics or inex, and my pronouns are she/her.

If you would like to podfic, remix, make art of, or otherwise play with any of my fic, please feel free, and please do let me know so I can come and squee about it!


  • The goose trick is likely to remain a noodle incident, but many clever people have submitted ideas as to what it could be, all of which are tagged “#goose trick” on this blog. At this point, I think the winning theory is that Ciri is just going down a list of tricks, inventing new ones as the old ones are forbidden.
  • I am probably not going to be writing anything from Warlord!Geralt’s point of view, because I cannot get him to talk to me! Which seems fitting, somehow…
  • I do not have a kofi or a Patreon; the only payment I desire for my fic is happy comments.
  • There is a map of AW AU fans around the world - feel free to send an ask with your location if you want to be added!
  • And there is now a Discord server run by the lovely @serpencexalloid:

Works inspired by the Accidental Warlord AU:

This has become such a long list that I’ve moved it all into a spreadsheet! Please let me know if I’ve forgotten anything, or if any of the links don’t work, and go give some love to the amazing writers, artists, singers, and podficcers who have chosen to play in this silly AU!

Anonymous asked:

In regards to the resting ‘I can see your soul’ face, is it really that inaccurate? It may be inaccurate in the sense that his eyes don’t hold a special power beyond the regular mutated enhancements, but if his eyes intimidate others into showing more of their real self beyond the facade, and he’s already better than average at reading intentions through body language and expressions, is it really all that different? Who have we seen look into his eyes and successfully hide who they are? Even if they lie, the lie is usually obvious and spiteful and still what kind of person they are, and it’s not as though Geralt’s ability to smell lies would be at the forefront of someone experiencing the weight of that gaze🤷‍♀️

You know, you make a really good argument. Huh. Alright. I stand corrected: he absolutely is seeing people's souls, just not the way they think he is.


re: characters definitely NOT doing a thing - i use this turn of phrase in my own writing now, because of you. it's just very evocative, and i adore your writing language! it's romantic and cozy, but also grand, and also so casually funny.

a few other writing quirks of yours i know i've picked up are using words like baffled and delightful more often than i used to, descriptions like distinctly wobbly and unfairly attractive, phrases like "smiling with far too many teeth", and characters using the threat of sitting on someone. and there's probably more that i'm not as aware of.


I am deeply honored to have affected your writing. Thank you!

Anonymous asked:

Kingsnake? CAW Auckes calls Letho Kingsnake? I love this so much, I am so freaking excited for when the fic comes out😍

I hope it will start cooperating soon! Letho is never telling anyone how he got that nickname.


I'll admit I'm 👀👀 at how you're going to work Aiden into isnliv - or is SOH au from the regular isnliv with geralt/eskel/lambert/jaskier? Are Lam and Aiden platonic in this verse and Aiden gets packed up with some other Cats, does he get added to the existing pack, do they split? 5 seems large for a pack but -

I've probably missed things where this is made clear, but I'm always, always interested in isnliv ❤️


The one I'm currently working on is in the same continuity as Stop One Heart and Ease One Life; hopefully I will be able to add Aiden to the existing pack. Which will, as you say, make it quite large, but I think they'll make it work.

Now if the bunny would just cooperate.

Anonymous asked:

If the Duke de Roggeven and his wife died right now, who would inherit the duchy? A cousin? Marika? The human lovers of witchers renounce their titles, so probably not Milena, plus she just wouldn’t wish to accept it even outside of heir problems and her parents’ disapproval. Would Temeria claim Roggeven if Marika held the title, or would it just be another title on a list like Ciri’s titles in the books? Did they disown Marika officially before they heard of her wedding? With Marta officially disowned and Milena nearly disowned as of the fic where Marika visits Kaer Morhen, did their father give up on passing the title to one of his daughters’ husbands and just find a suitable cousin? Inheritance in that family seems a bit complicated at the moment, I think the duke is safe from any attempted “hunting accidents” for now…

At the moment, if the Duke had a hunting accident, Dawid would immediately have the mother of all headaches. Marta can't inherit, because she's disowned. Marika can't inherit, because letting a foreign queen also be a duchess is a bad political move. Milena could inherit but would refuse immediately and vehemently. (And nobody wants Duke Lambert. Including especially Lambert.)

So honestly it would have to go to a cousin, which would mean Dawid would need to pick an appropriate cousin. Hence the headache.

Anonymous asked:

Sorry if you’ve already answered this question before, but how do you picture the layout of the great hall in AWAU (specifically the tables for the schools other than the Wolves)? Where in the hall are the entrances/exits and which are used most? I realized during a re-read that I have a mental layout (heavily influenced by the great hall in the Harry Potter movies), but then sometimes the blocking described in AWAU doesn’t quite work with that layout…

Generally speaking I imagine a long hall with many doors; it's a focal point of the whole keep. At the back of the hall are at least two doors, one of which leads to Geralt's office. In front of those doors is a dais with a throne on it (Geralt does not like the throne). In front of that is the Wolf table, which for logistical purposes is probably curved like a big (, so all the Wolves can sit along the longer side. And then all six of the other tables are perpendicular to that one, lined up like |||||| across the width of the hall. I think I set it up Bear-Griffin-Viper-Cat-Manticore-Crane in the first fic but I may edit that because that's a recipe for explosions of various sorts.

There are more doors along the long sides of the hall, at least four on each side. And then the front of the hall has the great doors that lead out to the entrance hall.

I hope that helped!

Anonymous asked:

A tiny detail I basically never stop thinking about is how Jarmagdo was surprised and upset to learn that his mother wanted to kill his sister to buy him a crown in Agony. Obviously Fredefalk is barely worth knowing, but does Renfri ever write back to Yspaden to get to know her brother? I just feel like she deserves all the family she can get her hands on, poor dear.

I adore everything you’ve ever written, thank you for existing!

I do actually think Shrike writes to her half-brother! I have a plotbunny for their meeting during the Progress, and I hope it will cooperate. He's a decent fellow, really.

Anonymous asked:

Random thought while rereading ch3 of Another Man's Treasure:

Alpha!Milena with CAW!lambert/aiden

I have no idea how it happens (contract gone wrong? Theyre contracted to get her from Roggeven to Velen holdings after a previous escape attempt?) But milena is very intrigued by the witchers who work together so *smoothly*, and *they* smell so wonderful -

And Lambert and Aiden are utterly besotted with each other, obviously, but they can't ignore the fact that *Milena* smells so delightful, and her scent *fits*

And then, of course, her rut hits, or some sort of spell is flung, or there's a poison mixup, and whoops the only recourse is for all three to spend time *very* close together because dynamics-related-bullshit-reasons a la Prize to Be Won

(And of course, afterwards, the witchers abscond with their alpha, and Vesemir just throws his hands in the air that winter when they show up with her because 'of course, since we're already picking up a griffin and a gods-be-damned *viper* - )

Vesemir is going to go and get his Cat, and possibly also his Countess and maybe an elven king, that'll show his lads right and proper. They're not the only ones who can scandalize everyone! He did it first and he does it better!

Alpha!Milena would absolutely give a different flavor to the story and I love the idea. Hmmmm.... *plotbunnies intensify*


So I had a thought for Accidental warlord, mainly because I'm rereading Found at Last in Meeting Eyes - Geralt is going to outlive his vassal kings. Those vassal kings will have heirs, possibly quite young heirs after long enough. What are the changes those kings will ask to send their heirs to live at Kaer Morhen (even if only part of the year) to, well, show fealty but also do the ol' meet and greet networking thing?


Honestly, someone - probably Mouse - is going to suggest this offer being made, because it is a very good idea. The heirs get to meet their overlord and get used to his way of dealing with things, and also meet each other and form connections and alliances. Geralt gets to meet the heirs and make sure they're not going to be terrible. Ciri gets to meet the heirs and sound them out on various matters.

The only problem is that Geralt will have to (horrors!) socialize.

Anonymous asked:

i’m reading flung to catch a star for the umpteenth time and every time i get to geralt’s line about emhyr only being “mostly hedgehog” i read it in billy crystal’s voice, i hope you know. and then my brain immediately butts in with “g’bye boys! have fun storming the empire!” and i have to take a break from reading bc i’m giggling too hard. i blame you for all of this<3

Well now I'm laughing too hard to write!


Adore all your writing! I've had the hilarious realisation that while everyone looking at geralt goes 'oh gods he can see through me with those golden eyes, he can see my soul' From geralt's perspective it's just. his face. Resting 'I can see your soul' face. poor guy


Geralt does not quite realize that everyone thinks he can see their souls, and is going to be absolutely mortified when Jaskier finally lays it out for him.

(It is, he must admit, a useful rumor. Just...inaccurate.)


A confluence of events (reading one too many Jamie Lannister/Brienne of Tarth fic + seeing that art of a 'large' warrior woman washing in a river on tumbler + my work mate trying to persuade me to buy this admittedly lovely but strapless dress she thought would suit me) has caused a Warlord AU scene to pop into my head.

The first new female Witcher is in fact a Bear of all things; her father was a blacksmith or dockhand while her mother was a cartwoman maybe? Basicaly her genetics said 'how big' and the Bear mutigens said 'yes'.

When she hits puberty she makes a case to be taken to Skellige to get armour because, unlike her female cousins who are muscular but slim (and flat), she requires 'buttressing'. This causes the Bear trainer/Head of School to test their 'not blushing' training/mutigen mix while everyone else falls about laughing.


I adore her. Enormous terrifying Bear woman yes. She is going to be magnificent.


Yesterday, before I’d read ch 8 of Another Man’s Treasure, I had the delightful idea of Aiden-Lambert-Volthere& Milena getting to Kaer Mohren to find that Geralt & Eskel had *also* shown up with a human this year! I apologize that I forgot about Gweld but, in any case, I have mentally decided that Jaskier will be an Alpha and the rest of the wolves will still be flabbergasted when they show up (next year) with this random, human, bard, Alpha lololol


Vesemir: Are we collecting humans now? Is that a thing we are doing?

Geralt, Eskel, Gweld: To be perfectly honest we're not entirely sure how this happened either.

Jaskier: I'm collecting witchers, obviously.


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