TMI warning about being on blood thinners
Okay so I’m on blood thinners and I am also a lactose intolerant person who will quite stupidly still eat icecream
I also have IBS type issues thanks to my Fibro (yes that’s a thing)
So what this means is occasionally I get a bit of the shits for no particular reason other then life
But now that I’m on blood thinners it comes with extra consequences
What I’m getting at is that if you’re on blood thinners and have a bit of the shits some 12 hours afterwards you’re going to bleed from your ass heavy enough you’re going to think at first you started your period again (if you have a uterus)
It’s very very alarming even if you know that it happens
It’s only an issue if it doesn’t stop but it usually stops completely almost as fast as it appears
So AWARE because I wasn’t and the first time and had to see the doctor about it and THAT WASN’T A FUN APPOINTMENT LET ME TELL YOU
This has been a public service announcement