i was so fucking sceptical of TENs machines. The research was "it seems to work for some people but not others and fuck if we know why"
So I was sceptical that an electric current under my skin would affect my pain in any meaningful way but I was also fucking desperate for relief of any kind
So I was surprised when it seemed to help a bit for my shoulder. Then today I wanted to go out but my pain is really bad. Particularly my hip pain on my left side was making it difficult
So I thought I would try it despite the guide indicating a placement for my back pain which seemed counter intuitive
But fuck me if it isn't working
I can't feel any pain in my hip. I can walk (with aids) a little bit when previously it was
This is witchcraft
I will stress however that this is a very much mileage may vary situation. I took a 30quid gamble that I could afford and am lucky it paid off
For me the benefits are:
- It's discreet
- compact
- effective (for me)
- Simple to use
But please be aware there are also limitations:
- Most people who experience relief only do so while it's running. Once you turn it off the pain returns
- People can have allergies to the pads
- The pads an ongoing cost
- There is very little understanding of the long term effects
- Depending on where you pain is you may need help applying it
- Depending on your health issues or where your pain is it might be dangerous for you to use
So while I'm really happy about this please remember to do your own research and talk to your own health professionals before buying something like this