#batman family – @incorrectbatfam on Tumblr

A concept of a batfam blog

@incorrectbatfam /

🔹Incorrect quotes, headcanons, and conspiracies about why Nightwing isn't in my header or icon
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Canonically we know that Cass pictures what Steph would tell her in those dire moments where she needs to make sense of her emotions

But what if she pictures Steph in those not-so-dire moments too. Like Steph is just the stopper in all her impulsive thoughts

Cass: *sniffs a bath bomb*

Cass: Ooh. Smells like cupcakes.

Steph's voice in her head: Don't.

Cass: *lifts it to her mouth*

Steph with a metaphorical spray bottle: No! Bad girl! Put that down!

Cass, pouting: Fine.


When it comes to mission reports, Damian is the epitome of not showing your work.

Bruce: Damian, what did you do with the Riddler?

Damian: I apprehended him.

Bruce: When, where, and how?

Damian: Yesterday. Crime Alley. Stakeout.

Bruce: Why isn't any of this written down? You have to document it for future case references. You just wrote, "Done."

Damian: Because I'm done.

Bruce: But you're supposed to tell us the steps you took.

Damian: Step one: I did it.

Tim and Damian: *arguing*
Jason: Why are they ignoring us again?
Stephanie: I don't think they're doing it on purpose. I just think that they're both the type of people who get so caught up in arguments they just don't notice anything outside of what they're saying.
Jason: Really? That's so weird.
Stephanie: You and Dick are the same way, you know.
Jason, surprised: Really?!
Harper: Jason must be pretty fucked up emotionally.
Tim: He is. More than I am, which is saying a lot.
Harper: It really is.
Tim: I’m kind of offended you agreed so easily.
Harper: I had to be real with you.
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