Jinta: Ururu, calm down. I ate the last Gushers while you were taking your afternoon bath.
Ururu: Oh. In that case, Jinta. I suggest you sleep with one eye open.
Urahara: Ururu, what did I tell you about making threats?
Ururu: Don't worry, Kisuke. I will keep this one.
Urahara: Well, you heard her, boy. One eye open.
Urahara: Here's the deal, I've got a hangover. Who knows what that means?
Ururu: It means you're drunk.
Urahara: No, it means I was drunk yesterday.
Soifon: Shut up you fake, lecherous shop keeper!
Urahara: I won't deny being a lecher but how dare you call me fake!
Kukaku: Stop right there. Bad luck is not brought on by silly superstitions like chain letters.
Urahara: You're right. They're brought on by black cats.
Yoruichi, in her cat form: That is a hateful stereotype.
Urahara: That's the beauty of being me. People assume I'm scheming even when I'm not.
Yoruichi, happy: Kisuke!
Urahara: Yoruichi!
Yoruichi: Kisuke!
Urahara: Yoruichi!
Yoruichi: Kisuke.
Urahara: Yoruichi?
Yoruichi, angry: Kisuke!
Urahara: Oh, sugar honey ice tea!
Yoruichi, chasing Urahara: Get back here!!
Tessai, after hearing a loud noise, turning to look at Urahara: Did that come from your lab?
Urahara: No! No no no no no. No, there's definitely nothing wrong with my inventions because they for sure don't explode for no reason sometimes.
Urahara: I FIXED IT!
Yoruichi: What did you fix?
[ loud explosion in the background ]
Urahara: ... except that.
Masaki: [ trying to feel the baby kick ]
Katagiri: Sorry this is taking so long. He kicked for everyone else.
Ryuken: It's hard for the little one to preform under pressure.
Isshin: Top 10 things Ryuken said on his wedding night!
Masaki: Woah, it was small, but I think I felt something.
Urahara: Top 10 things Katagiri said on her wedding night.
Katagiri: [ starts laughing ]
Ryuken: Stop laughing it Kanae.
Isshin, Urahara, and Masaki: Top 10 things Ryuken said on his wedding night!!
Urahara: Just because I break into your house doesn't mean I'm gonna take something, maybe I just want to look around damn.
Yoruichi: Was that really necessary?
Urahara: No, but it was dope.
Urahara: I am covered in hickies how am I supposed to be a respected scientist looking like this?
Tessai: Normalize kissing other scientist with tongue.
Ichigo: Aren't you afraid you might be- I don't know- incurring Gods wrath?
Urahara: Eh, God's cool.
Ichigo: See, I don't know that he is.
Yoruichi, with Uraharas newest invention: This stuff is rad! Why haven't you shown me before?
Urahara: I didn't think you liked science.
Yoruichi: I like weapons.
Urahara: It's okay to keep secrets, everybody has some skeletons in the closet. Wraiths in the attic. Ghosts in the bedroom. Mummy in the kitchen. Enchanted armor on the stairs. Slimes in the basement. Maybe a giant spider in the backyard. Beholder or two in the garage. Vampires are also in the closet.
Urahara: My house is very unsafe.
Rukia, hoarsely: Is everyone okay?
Ichigo, covered in blood and debris: Yeah.
Renji, muffled and unseen: doing awesome.
Urahara, looking down on them: Hey, that almost went exactly to plan!
Yoruichi: Kisuke, get out of the hot tub, we're stealing a news van.
Urahara: It's the perfect crime. How will they ever report it?