Ganju: I'm a responsible adult!
Hanataro: [ raises an eyebrow ]
Ganju: I am an adult.
Hanataro: [ raises both eyebrows ]
Ganju: I'm still older than you.
Hanataro: It's too quiet.
Ganju: No, it's three quiet.
Hanataro: Three quiet? What the crud does that mean?
Ganju: It's one more than too quiet.
Ganju: Wanna build a cardboard submarine?
Ichigo: Get out of my brain.
Ganju: I'm going to avenge you Hanataro.
Hanataro: Don't say that I'm not dead!
Hanataro: Hey man, did you know humans eat more bananas than monkeys?
Ganju: ... yeah?
Hanataro: Who'd have thunk?
Ganju, deep in thought: ... what kind of sick fuck eats monkeys?
Hanataro: Look, I get it if you think this is stupid and reckless.
Ganju: Yeah, it is completely stupid and reckless.
Ganju: When do we start?
Kukaku, walking outside: Get the F out my yard!
Ganju: [ running away with a giant letter F ]
Ganju, before entering the seiretei: Hey kid, what'd you do before all this?
Ichigo: Went to school? Why?
Ganju: You guys don't know about my knife stick. It's a knife glued to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon.
Kukaku: Spear.
Ganju: Blocked.
Ganju: I'm gonna be honest... I feel like you don't like me.
Yumichika: I've told you multiple times that I don't.
Ganju: We've been duped!
Hanataro: Duped!
Ganju: Bamboozled!
Hanataro: We've been smeckledorfed!
Ganju: That's not even a word and I agree with you!
Ganju: What if rocks are actually soft but just tense up when we touch them?
Kukaku: How high are you?
Ganju: Yes.
Ichigo. shivering: I just got a chill...
Ganju: If you catch a cold, I'm going to punch you.
Hanataro: You... you... you rude person!
Ganju: Go easy on him Hanataro.
Kukaku: Ganju, can you do something for me?
Ganju: You are my sister, my best friend. I would literally cover up a murder for you, plant my DNA at the scene, and take the blame for the crime.
Kukaku: Great. Can you do the dishes for me?
Ganju: No.
Ganju: Let's do what one shepherd said to the other shepherd.
Kukaku: What?
Ganju: Let's get the flock outta here.
Hanataro: Have you guys ever done something like this before?
Ganju: Something dangerous? Or something idiotic?
Ichigo: That's a yes to both.