If I were a month, I’d be : July, (I might actually appreciate another one more but I´m inevitably gravitating towards July because it historically was one filled with the least anxiety for me)
If I were a flower, I’d be: technically not a flower but I´m still choosing to be a fern, some worm fern (cause I can´t presume to be so awesome as moss if it has to be a flower one in the colour of a rich blue Rittersporn)
If I were an album, I’d be : hmm I might just say Watain “Lawless Darkness” more or less just because of one song but it can´t quite be the right one because I immediately feel the need to put a disclaimer here that I do in fact value the concept of law and some rules
If I were a mineral, I’d be : Archerite .. just kidding hm on top of my head I´d be somewhere with Sulfur, Lazurite maybe Malachite but I went down the wiki hole and I stopped at Kyanite but I don´t know if I vibe with it ... same with some others and also I didn´t have Gypsum on the radar as mineral but can I identify with such a useful, impactful thing .. probably not, so I might settle for Murdochite: took a while to figure out what the heck it is (structure and formula were described differently initially) and some surface googling doesn´t come up with any apparent use for it
If I were a sound, I’d be : the absence of sound
If I were a colour, I’d be : black or transparent or .. somewhere around Pantone 2139 C ... some grayish blue or blueish grey
If I were a drink, I’d be : tea that sat so long on the counter it´s cold now, drink drinks .. maybe a Mojito
If I were a fruit, I’d be : redcurrant would be nice
If I were a quote, I’d be : okay I keep nixing quotes on the grounds of geeeeez will you lighten up for once .. I think I can settle for “Our thoughts form the universe. They are always important.” (G´kar/Babylon5) (Another disclaimer: Important as in having impact not as in all of them are ultimately “valid” and “good”.) I think that one goes well with me gravitating towards Discourse analysis.
If I were a television series, I’d be : Idk one cancelled before aired
If I were a movie, I’d be : I keep thinking Pan´s Labyrinth and kinda nooo but also I don´t always agree with myself so maybe that .. I don´t really stand behind that choice though ^^
If I were a fashion brand, I’d be : I really do not want to be a fashion brand,
If I were a mythological creature, I’d be : maybe your garden variety swamp monster that´s not really doing anything monstrous, ...or an ouroboros ?
If I were a taste, I’d be : I´m afraid bitter ... or basil? metallic tang? lemon cake?
If I were a scent, I’d be : charred, burnt wood; smoke
If I were a fabric, I’d be : linen waiting to be turned into a linothorax
If I were a body part, I’d be : a single strand of long hair, probably already fallen out of the follicle and detached from the head
If I were a god/goddess, my four attributes would be : caution, context, integrity, kindness (at least if I get to choose if it´s up to mortals to pick those it probably would be another list)