imhereforsookie reblogged
Bill playing Wii
imhereforsookie reblogged
"you can’t die on me."
imhereforsookie reblogged
So basically, I officially love Bill. I vote for Bill.
imhereforsookie reblogged
imhereforsookie reblogged
Shit’s about to go down!
Source: peanutbutterandjessy
imhereforsookie reblogged
Anything...for sookie stackhouse
imhereforsookie reblogged
true blood rewatch: strange love (1x01)
“ I’ve been waiting for this to happen ever since they came out of the coffin two years ago. ”
imhereforsookie reblogged
you drink her blood like it was your own private soda fountain...
Source: jamesfrancoco
imhereforsookie reblogged
Bill: Try to behave yourself.
Eric: Don’t I always?
Sookie and Bill...foreverrr...ever...(echo) ever... smile*
Source: imhereforsookie
imhereforsookie reblogged
"I’m still here, Sookie."
Source: 1864damon