Stormlight bookmarks are up in my store!✨
they are all done! I did WoK and WoR a few years ago (WoR is difficult to see i might do it over in silver or something, not sure)
I’ve also laser engraved some coasters with symbols of the Knights Radiant from Brandon Sandersons Stormlight Archive Series.
Adolin paper finger puppet is learning to swing!
Roshar system/Stormlight Archive symbol in its original, way too complicated to easily carve glory. Green instead of the typical SA blue cause why not, it’s a pretty color.
Look at me doing leatherwork on my birthday. Not a bad way to spend it honestly. Did this one mostly to see if I could get all the tiny little lines right (plus I like the symbol a lot.)
Bridge Four Mask made by ccox39
“You tried to help the people of the market. You mostly failed. This is life. The longer you live, the more you fail. Failure is the mark of a life well lived. In turn, the only way to live without failure is to be of no use to anyone.”
Hoid says this to Shallan in Oathbringer, and I’ve found it to be both true and helpful to remember. The part of the quote that’s carved onto the leather is ‘failure is the mark of a life well lived.’ It was a graduation gift to a close friend of mine.
Perhaps I should stop doing random leather carvings and move on to other projects, but. Eh. I’m having fun.
When I met Brandon at a signing for Skyward, I got to tell him ‘thank you’ for writing Way of Kings, which saved my life in high school. He wrote ‘Life before Death, Radiant’ in the copy of Oathbringer he was signing for me, and it’s a phrase that means a lot to me.
‘Journey before Destination’ is tattooed on my forearm, and this line will eventually be on the opposite upper arm, over some scarring (the middle line of the ideal will probably go on one of my legs, cause I’m addicted to tattoos and also don’t want to just have two of the three lines).
My mental health issues haven’t gone away and never will...but I’ve gotten a lot better at dealing with them, thanks in large part to works of fiction that have given me quotes and characters and lessons to live by.
All this to somewhat incoherently say; I’m still super bored in quarantine and not dealing all that well, so here’s more book-reference leatherwork that I’m getting overly emotional about.
So a couple of these were in previous posts but here’s the full set; all ten SA Knights Radiant glyphs, cause they’re excellent leather carving practice and I’ve been super bored in quarantine.
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
New simplified Stormlight symbol was released today, so of course I’ve already done a carving of it.
Painted my journal to motivate me to actually write in it.
I was gonna make it say “journal before destination” but couldn’t force myself into it
I have a love-hate relationship with paper cutting. #stormlightarchive #brandonsanderson #kaladinstormblessed #shallan #papercrafts #collage
Custom Pop Stormlight Archive master post
Radiant Kaladin
Custom Stormlight Archive Funko Pop Toys - Szeth, Jasnah and Dalinar
finally got new paper again so i made this little shallan bookmark. was just experimenting and not sure if i like how it turned out… might cut off pattern to make it look better because he got a bit too strong