Oh, no, I think you’re fundamentally misunderstanding me here.
I already have a menu and celebratory playlist planned for when That Orange Motherfucker dies.
It’s totally fine to be happy when someone who’s causing harm dies.
I’m saying that denying people real, concrete help - such as disability benefits, or SNAP, or whatever - because they’re a “bad” person - isn’t okay and DEFINITELY will harm people beyond your intended target.
Saying “Well you overdosed on veterinary medicine and wrecked your health, so why should taxpayers pay for it?” will, ABSOLUTELY, 100% be used for “Well, you’re fat, so it’s your fault that you’re sick (even if whatever illness you have is UTTERLY unrelated to your weight) so we won’t provide benefits“. Or “Well you have an invisible/difficult to diagnose illness, so we think you’re making it up”. Or “You say you did X treatment and it didn’t work, so it must be your fault”. Or even, in a few years, “Oh so you took the horse dewormer because you were a minor child at the time and your parent made you take it and now it’s cause ongoing health problems. Well, that sounds like it was your fault too, so we’re denying you help.”
There’s a federal law that bans people with felony drug convictions from receiving food stamps. Because they’re “bad” people. (Nevermind that they still have to eat.) “Punishing” people for perceived “immoral” behavior by taking away their basic needs is cruel, and it doesn’t work.
Look. Quite honestly, I’d like to dropkick some of these people into the sun. They’ve certainly made it clear that my life, as a disabled person, is worthless to them. But we don’t leave people to starve in the street just because they’re terrible.