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The batch of deportees from the US, primarily from Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, and a few other Indian states landed at Amritsar’s Shri Guru Ramdas Ji International Airport on Wednesday afternoon.

According to the reports, passengers, including 19 women and 13 minors, had endured a long and difficult journey, only to be shackled throughout their flight until arriving in India.

For 40 hours, we were handcuffed, our feet tied with chains, and were not allowed to move an inch from our seats. After repeated requests, we were allowed to drag ourselves to the washroom. The crew would open the door of the lavatory and shove us in”, said Harwinder Singh, one of the 104 ‘illegal’ immigrants whom the US deported, told the Indian Express.

He recalled the trip as a “worse than hell” experience, as they couldn’t even eat properly for 40 hours.

“They would force us to eat with handcuffs on. Our requests to the security personnel to remove the cuffs for a few minutes fell on deaf ears. The journey was not only physically painful but also mentally exhausting”, he described.

The family of the 40-year-old from Tahli village in Punjab’s Hoshiarpur district had barely begun celebrating his safe entry into the US, only to be shattered by the news that he had been deported.


I love birding so much. I found someone who knew the location of a bird species I’ve been after for 4 years and she sent me the exact coordinates (an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere) and I instantly found one. Nothing gives me more dopamine than someone saying ‘go to this location and you’ll find the beast you seek’ and it’s there


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Tutorial on drawing characters/OCs who have some sort of facial paralysis. It doesn't cover all possible variants because I was using mirror as my main reference lawl

Keep in mind that this is an introductory drawing tutorial and has some generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People 👍

Consider supporting me on ko-fi if you find this to be helpful.


on a similar note to that 'i think a lot of you guys forget people hate women' post; I think a lot of you guys forget how bad racism truly is and how deeply pervasive and entrenched antiblackness is.

whenever people say "you make everything about race/racism" i just want to say EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RACE/RACISM

the patriarchy, climate change, capitalism, MANY of the major issues we think about are inextricably linked to white supremacy and colonialism. so no you cannot be a racist feminist, you cannot be a climate activist and also be racist, we wont get queer liberation without black liberation. and vice versa. we arent moving from where we are as a society until you guys realize how deeply rooted in Everything racism and antiblackness is.

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