He asked me "wanna do something sometimes" and then asked if i wanna go to the movies with him. Is that a date?
Baby’s First OTP Feels: a Tale of Regret
Ahahah oh man an amazing thing that actually happened??? NO Baby girl you are too young for this life and pain.
Her mom thinks it’s hilarious and gave me permission to make a comic out of it? It’s awesome that she has all the Disney movies at her house, and they didn’t know about Miyazaki before! Now they do and watch it with her! I let her watch Totoro weeks after that! She got really into it too!
Click To Enlarge
this is amazing and totally ruined my life
Roses are red
Violets are blue
We're having sex
Cause I'm stronger then you
Don't drink a shit ton of alcohol and look at your phone in the morning
so the school year had started which means that now I'll not be able to post things every day.. I'll try to post as much as I can but you know, school... love you guys :)
Favourite Movie → Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 "Hermione! When have our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there and all hell breaks loose!"
someday i will straight up murder my neighbours