#horror game – @ichimakesart on Tumblr

Ichi Makes Art

@ichimakesart /

Art blog! You can also find me on Instagram at @pjilustration and Twitter on @Ichimakes. My bullshity blog is ichithecupcake ;3
You pass by the attic. You hear a knock.
You go to the attic. Aside from the floorboards creaking under your feet. It's silent in here.
The attic is filled with mundane objects, tools and toys that remember many hands from past generations. The novelty and shine of all of them is dampened by time and dust…
Except, what's there by the window?

Who leaves marbles by the attics' window? Are you truly alone in this house? Find out the origins of little treasures left on the windowsill. Feed your obsessive paranoia or befriend…some kind of creature?

🔵The Attic - Visual Novel style horror game🔵

Coming soon on Steam!

🔵You can add it to your Wish list now 🔵

If you want to play something spooky this october, the game is avanaible now ☆☆☆

You pass by the attic. You hear a knock.
You go to the attic. Aside from the floorboards creaking under your feet. It's silent in here.
The attic is filled with mundane objects, tools and toys that remember many hands from past generations. The novelty and shine of all of them is dampened by time and dust…
Except, what's there by the window?

Who leaves marbles by the attics' window? Are you truly alone in this house? Find out the origins of little treasures left on the windowsill. Feed your obsessive paranoia or befriend…some kind of creature?

🔵The Attic - Visual Novel style horror game🔵

Coming soon on Steam!

🔵You can add it to your Wish list now 🔵

If you want to play something spooky this october, the game is avanaible now ☆☆☆

You pass by the attic. You hear a knock.
You go to the attic. Aside from the floorboards creaking under your feet. It's silent in here.
The attic is filled with mundane objects, tools and toys that remember many hands from past generations. The novelty and shine of all of them is dampened by time and dust…
Except, what's there by the window?

Who leaves marbles by the attics' window? Are you truly alone in this house? Find out the origins of little treasures left on the windowsill. Feed your obsessive paranoia or befriend…some kind of creature?

🔵The Attic - Visual Novel style horror game🔵

Coming soon on Steam!

🔵You can add it to your Wish list now 🔵

You pass by the attic. You hear a knock.
You go to the attic. Aside from the floorboards creaking under your feet. It's silent in here.
The attic is filled with mundane objects, tools and toys that remember many hands from past generations. The novelty and shine of all of them is dampened by time and dust…
Except, what's there by the window?

Who leaves marbles by the attics' window? Are you truly alone in this house? Find out the origins of little treasures left on the windowsill. Feed your obsessive paranoia or befriend…some kind of creature?

🔵The Attic - Visual Novel style horror game🔵

Coming soon on Steam!

🔵You can add it to your Wish list now 🔵

You pass by the attic. You hear a knock.
You go to the attic. Aside from the floorboards creaking under your feet. It's silent in here.
The attic is filled with mundane objects, tools and toys that remember many hands from past generations. The novelty and shine of all of them is dampened by time and dust…
Except, what's there by the window?

Who leaves marbles by the attics' window? Are you truly alone in this house? Find out the origins of little treasures left on the windowsill. Feed your obsessive paranoia or befriend…some kind of creature?

🔵The Attic - Visual Novel style horror game🔵

Coming soon on Steam!

🔵You can add it to your Wish list now 🔵

You pass by the attic. You hear a knock.
You go to the attic. Aside from the floorboards creaking under your feet. It's silent in here.
The attic is filled with mundane objects, tools and toys that remember many hands from past generations. The novelty and shine of all of them is dampened by time and dust…
Except, what's there by the window?

Who leaves marbles by the attics' window? Are you truly alone in this house? Find out the origins of little treasures left on the windowsill. Feed your obsessive paranoia or befriend…some kind of creature?

🔵The Attic - Visual Novel style horror game🔵

Coming soon on Steam!

🔵You can add it to your Wish list now 🔵

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