#9 for Ray and Walter if you please? 😘
sorry this took so long, hope you like!! 👉😗👉
I love it, THANK YOU xoxo
Ray/Walter with 11 for the kiss art! 💛
More art for @heynattyice 's beautiful, perfect Thunderheart werewolf AU that I love with all my heart.
From No Dogs on the Bed:
From Speed Trap:
This stripey polo is the best thing I've ever drawn.
I am working on two more pieces that are, let's say, adult in nature. More updates as events warrant.
Also, have the teeniest tiniest Ray Levoi as a treat. Because he kinda lives rent free in my mind at present.
@heynattyice is writing this AMAZING Thunderheart werewolf AU that is GIVING ME LIFE, and TLDR I drew this four panel comic about how to bathe your werewolf boyfriend.
Okay, but what if the sequel to Thunderheart was a romantic comedy?
The sun dance, way back when. Walter’d had to explain the ritual to Ray the morning after they’d first made love; lying in the low golden glow of the new morning sun, Ray’s fingers running over the rough, raised patches like the skin there was made of silver. He does that at night, when he’s drowsy and looking for sleep: rub his fingers around the uneven edges of Walter’s sun dance scars, like shining up a prayer wheel.
I love love LOVE these portraits @collophora drew for the boys of Top Gun, so I thought I would make a set for my Thunderheart boys. It took a STUPID long time—like, I underestimated by a LOT—but I'm really happy with them.
"We almost made it to the bed."
"You need a bed? You're getting spoiled."
"Tell me that when you're dealing with rug burns tomorrow."
"What rug?"
"Come here."
"You know, Ray, I don't recall giving you permission to leave the bed."
"I'm sorry, Sheriff; I didn't realize I was in custody."
"You'd think the handcuffs would be a hint."