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Unapologetically pro-autism, neurodiversity, and autistic community R. Larkin Taylor-Parker Feb. 28, 2011

North Carolina has decided to de-prioritize a lot of the people who would have gotten vaccinated early before our plan changed. This is dangerous for neurodivergent people who have caregivers coming into their homes and can’t necessarily control what their caregivers do outside of work. It’s also dangerous for essential workers who have chronic conditions that make COVID more risky for them. They have to keep showing up for work, and they can’t necessarily control the public they work with. It’s the same for disabled and chronically ill people who live with essential workers.

We’re trying to get these two groups, people who are higher-risk and can’t really control their exposures, vaccinated soon. We could use some help, especially from anyone with an NC connection who is on Twitter. The hashtag is #HighRiskNC.


I remember being in first grade and this white boy asked me why I wear "normal" clothes if I'm Indian and don't Indians only wear feathers? So yes I do think first graders need more awareness about race

Also Sesame Street was made by a bunch of hippies that loved puppets and educators that were trying to reach in-city kids (particularly kids of color) who didn't have access to good education resources.

Sesame Street has specifically addressed racism and other forms of socially oppressive orders since the beginning. Once again Rave Dubin is a moron.


there’s a difference between “just do a little yoga it will cure your depression forever :)” and “going for a run won’t solve your problems but it will make you feel a little better and that’s the first step” but this site seems to treat them as the same thing

Taking care of yourself is still good even if it won’t cure you. Cleaning my room won’t cure my anxiety or make me less lonely but it is a healthier environment to live in.


It’s National Voter Registration Day! 

Election season may not be the happiest season of all, but it doesn’t have to be the most dreadful, either. You can—and deserve—to have a little hope.

What does hope look like?

Hope looks like a vote. If you’re eligible to vote, it specifically looks like your vote. We teamed up with @whenweallvote to make it easy. For some, the deadline to register is fast approaching. Make sure to check with your state for any recent changes to election deadlines.

If you’re on web, you can click into that beautiful unit and fill out the form. If you’re using the app on a mobile device, just tap through to be brought directly to the form on When We All Vote’s website

Once you’re done registering (or reregistering, if you moved!), the only thing you have to worry about is your actual vote. Scary, right? NO! It’s not! It’s so easy. We made a convenient voting checklist for you to keep on hand to remain calm, cool, and collected throughout the whole process. 

You got this, Tumblr.


So I was looking at Biden’s plans to help people with disabilities. Here’s some stuff he wants to do that would make a big, measurable difference:

- Increasing SSI benefits to at least 100% of the Federal Poverty Line (at the moment, this would be an increase of about $3000/year. That would be REALLY HELPFUL.)

- Increase the asset limits for SSI and SSDI - which haven’t been increased in more than 35 years. Right now if you have more than $2000 at any time, you lose your benefits.

- Marriage equality for disabled people! - For people on SSI be able to get married without losing our benefits! (As it stands right now, you can lose your benefits even if they suspect you’re ACTING like you’re married - the “holding out as married” rule.)

I’m about out of spoons tonight, but go read it! If even SOME of it gets passed, it could be really good!

This is in contrast to the Republican position, which is *checks notes* “If they’re going to die, they’d better do it, and decrease the surplus population”.

(Seriously, if Trump gets re-elected, I, and many other disabled people, will be so entirely fucked. He wants to destroy Social Security, I would be homeless and starving in the streets.)


Some of the positions of Biden going into this election:

  • Abolish the death penalty.
  • End cash bail as it disproportional punishes the poor.
  • End cocaine sentencing disparity as racist
  • Eliminate mandatory minimums
  • Scrap past marijuana convictions
  • Eliminate private prisons
  • Raise minimum wage to 15$/hour
  • Supports a government mandated 12 weeks of paid family leave for all workers
  • Two years of college free
  • Expand student debt forgiveness, including 10K of forgiveness for all student loans and complete forgiveness for all undergraduate loans from 2 and 4 year public colleges and universities, and other loan forgiveness and payment reduction plans.
  • Eliminate funding gap for k-12 schools based on location (essentially between white and non white/poor and non poor division) with specific first steps outlined to do so.
  • Increase teacher pay, especially in underfunded schools (poor and POC schools)
  • Plan outlined to get us back in on the Paris agreement and goal of switching to clean energy by 2035 with first steps specified.
  • Supports voluntary gun buyback (similar programs have had huge success in reducing gun violence in other countries)
  • Supports firearm registry
  • Supports universal background checks for fire arm purchase
  • Supports huge expansions of medicare and the creation of a public run health insurance option that everyone is automatically enrolled in if they lose other coverage. You would also be able to use this free option if you did not want to use employer coverage. He has moved left in a huge way since the pandemic came into full swing but most people just ignore it. There is a good chance that by the time we get to the point of implementation he could just go medicare for all.
  • Citizenship for dreamers (DACA)
  • Outlined steps for increasing the quality of life, access to resources, and autonomy of disabled people, including expansion and strict enforcement of non discrimination policies
  • Universal hazard pay for “front line” workers during the pandemic
  • Specific first steps outlined for reducing systematic LGBTQ discrimination
  • Large increase of taxes on the wealthy, including a direct wealth tax and increasing taxes on corporations, with short term proposals in place that include undoing much of the damage done by trump.

You will notice that a lot of these positions can be described as halfway progressive. As in they move in the right direction but stop short of the ultimate goal. Sure, we didn’t win the primary and get a truly progressive candidate in, but the strong showing of progressive ideals during the primary means that we strong armed the democrat party into compromising with us. We forcibly moved the Overton window significantly left, imagine if we did this election after election! We could force real change regardless of the presidential candidate that is ultimately chosen.

We are slowly winning, but in order for it to stick we have to demonstrate that progressives will reward the shift in our direction. We absolutely need to vote Biden in, as well as support democrats in the senate, congress, and local levels. We need to prove that progressives are a powerful political group that can make promises and deliver to those who compromise with us. This is critical for the long term viability of progressive politics.

Biden isn’t just damage control. We wont be sprinting towards an ideal world but we will be taking significant steps in that direction. Don’t throw away all the progress we made because you don’t like the names on the ticket.

Please read, this is so important.

There’s a difference between compass statements and navigational statements. 

“Compass” means “this is the general direction I want to go. This is my ultimate goal.” Such as “ending the school-to-prison pipeline.” 

“Navigational” means “the steps I take to get there.” One might be “defund the police.” A different one might be “abolish private and for-profit prisons.” Another might be “universal basic income.” Or any combination of those.

You may not care for Biden’s navigational statements, but the point is the compass statements. Is he going in the right direction? Does he want basically what you want? Then you vote for him. Because you know the Orange Cockwomble IS NOT going in that direction.

Worry about navigation once we’re pointed the right way. There are many roads to take to get to our goals. Backwards isn’t one of them. 

Just want to add that these policies will save lives. They will mean the difference between some of the most vulnerable people in the US regaining some of their basic rights and material needs which we NEED to sustain the movement. Biden may be a centrist liberal who does not share our progressive goals but some of the things he will pass will mean survival and the means to maintain activism


Here it is! The instructions to make a pieced and quilted plague doctor mask!

Just as a heads up, this pattern is not really recommended for beginners. There is not a whole lot of explanation of the basic techniques, and it requires a fair bit of precision, two types of fusible interfacing, and an assumption that you can keep a consistent seam allowance and do some hand sewing and know when to sew things right sides together and such.

I am not promising anything, different methods will yield different results, I have never made a pattern exactly as it was written and neither should you. If you want something the same as the next person, go to the shops.

Actually, nevermind, this is a quarantine craft, stay home.


“Neu­ro­di­ver­si­ty isn’t a feel-good con­cept for suc­cess­ful peo­ple who are “a lit­tle dif­fer­ent” but doing fine. It’s the courage to enter­tain the idea that peo­ple with sig­nif­i­cant dis­abil­i­ties can have lives worth liv­ing and embrace that idea’s excru­ci­at­ing impli­ca­tions for what lives wast­ed by fil­i­cide, insti­tu­tion­al­iza­tion, oth­er forms of seg­re­gat­ed, con­gre­gate set­tings, and even low expec­ta­tions and learned help­less­ness in the com­mu­ni­ty might have been. It’s liv­ing with the knowl­edge that human lives are being wast­ed that way now. Neu­ro­di­ver­si­ty is an idea for strong peo­ple, as it bites and claws at every­one who embraces it. There is no way to imag­ine a bet­ter world with­out con­fronting how bad things are and have been. The ensu­ing sense of out­rage rou­tine­ly changes the course of people’s lives.“


Of course, these tac­tics are not always suf­fi­cient to pre­vent inspi­ra­tion porn, and whether to coop­er­ate with a giv­en sto­ry is always a judge­ment call. Peo­ple who are look­ing for inspi­ra­tion porn will some­times find ways to read it into the most dig­ni­fied cov­er­age of a dis­abled per­son achiev­ing some­thing worth­while. Adding con­text on social media, speak­ing out about the prob­lems with low­er-qual­i­ty cov­er­age, enter­ing into dia­logue with peo­ple who want to dis­cuss the sto­ry, and oth­er­wise try­ing to get some mod­icum of con­trol of the nar­ra­tive, as Haley Moss has on Twit­ter in recent days, all help to reduce the harm and increase the odds that a sto­ry will change per­cep­tions. Ulti­mate­ly, there are parts of the process of media cov­er­age and a story’s flow through social media net­works that are out­side of the con­trol of its sub­jects, but Autis­tic adults can exer­cise some agency before and after con­tent is cre­at­ed.


“We can help the most vulnerable people resist this kind of senseless violence, but we have to care about them and prioritize them in the way we only will when we value their lives equally with all other human lives first. If we want filicide to stop, we have to decide once and for all that there is more to life than being conventionally useful.“


housing situation [urgent - need place by April/May]

DC/Baltimore area folks: I found out today that my sublease will be ending in April-May due to the main leaser’s lease not getting renewed. Please let me know if you have any leads on short-term rooms to stay in the DMV area that will accept a cat and the cat’s queer, disabled owner.

I can afford a little in rent and utilities and can try and contribute to the household while I try to get benefits processed. I am autistic, nonbinary, and queer. I am generally quiet though I do keep odd hours due to a sleep disorder. I can provide my own food.  

[February 28, 2019]


I’ve been part of Autistic Tumblr since 2013. You might also know me for Psych Ward Reviews, or as a mod with AWN Network. Due to health issues, described here, I need help. If you’d consider supporting me on Patreon, donating to my and/or GoFundMe, or boosting this stuff, I’d be grateful. 

About the Patreon 

I write about ableism, policy issues, disability representation, intersecting issues, and my experiences at Paginated Thoughts. I also write fiction (that Tumblr is @alexi-of-carthanas​). My main novel is about a talking cat and some humans getting justice against a magical research facility. 

Some of the reward tiers include cat pictures, writing things for you, or giving you access to excerpts. Until Jan. 31st, 2019, you also get a one-time reward for:

  • $5 and up: I will write 300 words of fiction or blog post (nothing nsfw, and I may ask you to pick another blog post topic if it contradicts my views)
  • $35 and up: I will critique or beta/sensitivity read your work, up to 5000 words. (for fiction, nothing nsfw)

Please consider supporting me to create, make change, and survive. Thank you so very much for reading!


“This com­mu­ni­ty, known as Autis­tic Tum­blr, is not the old­est online gath­er­ing place for Autis­tic peo­ple, but it is dis­tin­guished in its diver­si­ty, acces­si­ble entry-point to the com­mu­ni­ty, organ­i­cal­ly pro-neu­ro­di­ver­si­ty pos­ture, and suc­cess as a start­ing point for younger Mil­len­ni­al activists…

Autis­tic Tum­blr became a small but dis­cernible com­mu­ni­ty in the very ear­ly 2010s. It start­ed on tags like #asperg­ers and #autism. The pop­u­la­tion might well have fit in a high school class­room with­out feel­ing too cramped. Tum­blr, then a grow­ing social net­work, drew in new mem­bers rapid­ly. Most were in their teens or twen­ties. Some hap­pened to be Autis­tic.”

@iamthethunder wrote a piece on Autistic Tumblr and what it was, what it is, and the questions about its future based on Verizon’s decision. I’m not going anywhere until the site straight up gets shut down, and I hope that day is not drastically imminent, but we should be prepared.  


I have a friend who is disabled and chronically ill, and has had a lot of medical expenses, including the past year. They need to pay $1400 in medical bills so they don’t go into debt, and can keep getting medical care. 

They’ve tried to find help paying these to no avail. My friend has helped me through some difficult times, including my third psych inpatient stay, and also has cats that rely on them.

Sharing or donating any amount helps. Thank you for reading!

I know @k-pagination in real life. They know the recipient in real life and wouldn’t be posting this if it weren’t a serious thing. Help if possible.

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