“The difference with the prequel Jedi is that they are not really anti-heroes, but they aren’t classical heroes either like Luke Skywalker or Princess Leia. They are something else, almost in-between. Unlike anti-heroes, they don’t operate from the streets or the backwaters; they aren’t vigilantes or criminals with hearts of gold. Rather they are the authority, the idealized leaders, the wise monks with the stringent code of ethics. To anyone who has seen the original trilogy, they are mythic and grand, until you actually meet them in the PT, that is. Then you witness their moral shortcomings, their blindness, their coldness; but unlike anti-heroes, these traits are not affectations to make them edgy and cool; their moral shortcomings are alarming and uncomfortable because we have been encouraged to think of them as above reproach.”
— Michael O’Connor’s Beyond Good & Evil in the Prequels (via padawanlost)