Chances Dances - Kiam Marcelo Junio - February 2013
Kiam Marcelo Junio served seven years in the US Navy as a gay man during the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell era. He was born in the Manila and has lived in the US, Japan, and Spain (all former occupying forces in the Philippines). Kiam is the current recipient of the Chances Dances Mark Aguhar Memorial Grant, a microgrant awarded to Chicago area, queer-identified, feminine-spectrum artists of color. He is often seen performing around Chicago at Beauty Bar for Salonathon Presents, at Upstairs Gallery for Making Out with Wes Perry, and was recently invited to perform during the Midwest Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
Chances Dances — monthly sister-parties for the LezBiGayTransIntersexQueer communities of Chicago — and the people who love them/us.
CHANCES: Third Mondays at Subterranean - 2011 W North - 10pm-2am - FREE Jan. 21st with Lady Miss Navy Pier and John Twatters / Perfomances TBA Hosted by MC Vajaqueque
My piece "National Anthem/Unpretty" is a declaration of sorts, an embodiment of the colonized body, and a rejection of normativity.
Featuring collaborators Collin Pressler and Joshua Roginsky from my performance collective, Anatomy/Gift/Association.
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