Preparing to send off The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy--The Saga of Thranduil to professionals (luckily it’s just 15 pages for now--the entire 500+ pages would break a desk 🤪--worse with the extended version). I also haven't yet announced the standalone book title in development. Coming soon. Four more days until the big release. Right now, I’m more concerned with my dad and my readers. The blogs aren’t going anywhere so no worries.
I tried my hardest to dissuade those behind the writer’s service that The Kingdom of the Woodland Realm Trilogy was not something they could do anything with--from the fact one book is done w/two versions all the way down to the legal issues agents and publisher would have with the Tolkien Estate. I told them about the readers, the followers--everything. I figured that would keep them busy in thought for a couple days--especially since tomorrow I announce the release date of the next version.
What did they say to me? What did this 20+ year old writers’ service say to me after all of the history of this book was laid bare before them?
“We look forward to your submission.”
So I guess you can say that Thranduil has done it again; from and idea to a very long (and still growing) complex story intertwined with Tolkien’s universe to being seen by people that can help bring Thranduil to the world in real book form. Looks like Book II: The Saga of Thranduil has the opportunity to become a book between two covers; and to find someone that will make sure the entire trilogy sees the light of day.
Could you just see it--Thranduil a real book on a shelf in a bookstore, library or sold by Amazon or Barnes & Noble? I don’t know what will happen, but it is finally has a real possibility.
For Eryn Galen, the War has ended. There will rule a new king in the Woodland Realm. The Rhovanion will never be the same again when Thranduil Tárisil Oropherion takes the throne. Not long after will be born his heir and one of the Nine Walkers of the Fellowship, Legolas Lasgalen Thranduilion.
Im Legolas Lasgalen Thranduilion, ernil o Mirkwood. Gwador nîn, Tarthôn Orolos Thranduilion, ernil o Mirkwood dartha nin adh gwanur nîn Ardôr Êldurian Elranduilion, ernil o Mirkwood. Lû naratha i narn. Atholathon adui.