I’m not saying that Lupita Nyong’o is a real-life Disney princess, but hey, if the shoe fits…
I am I am 100% saying that
@i-say-no-to-status-quoo / i-say-no-to-status-quoo.tumblr.com
I’m not saying that Lupita Nyong’o is a real-life Disney princess, but hey, if the shoe fits…
I am I am 100% saying that
Kelly Osbourne in Jenny Packham at the 2013 Emmys.
Martin & Amanda at the New York Premiere of The Hobbit [Video]
They’re both so adorable and I just can’t
you fuckING DORKS
(via hellyestaylorswift)
i want that dress
Benedict: “When I heard them saying nice things on the red carpet… that was the thing that really struck [me] to my core, and it got to a point - it was like a tipping point, I’d say - where I was signing something and I heard Zachary [Quinto] saying something very complimentary about me and I started to cry.”
Don’t cry my love.
Jen & Kristen at the 85th Annual Academy Awards (02.24.13)
this moment is like a game of "which of us is more clumsy?"