*finishes 3 hour long movie*
who am i
There’s actuall this really cool thing called ‘Experience-Taking’ that happens when you’re forced to consider events from an alernate point of view! Basically, if you’re reading a story that starts off with a relatable character, you identify them subconsciously as an extension of yourself. Then, as they filter and translate what’s going on around them, you begin to rationalize and think logically around what’s going on as if it’s happening to you. This is especially fascinating as a group of random straight people reading a short story about a gay person who isn’t revealed to be gay until part way through are more accepting of homosexuality in general than a group of random straight people reading the same story, except the character is immediately introduced as gay. By slowing the revelation of potentially alienating details down and allowing the reader to identify with the character, you force the reader to absorb aspects of the character’s personality and life in order to accurately predict and understand other events and characters within the context of the story. To summarize, the reason you feel this way after a good movie or book is the same reason your personality and mannerisms are altered by the book series you’re into- you temporarily adopt that character’s personality, and some aspects of their personality may stick depending on how much you fall into their story and what conclusions you draw based on your judgements.
I truly felt like I’d been gone 100 years after I came out of seeing interstellar