How To Drop Out Of High School: 3 Steps To Freedom.
1. Get Informed The web is flushed with sources- uncollege and yes, i can write- are worth clicking around. "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" is widely considered the ultimate UNschooling guide.
If your looking for a more academic read check out "How Children Fail", "Deschooling Society" or "Dumbing Us Down".
2. Convince Your Parents
Speak maturely and passionately with persistence. If they're adamant sneak them a few sources listed above, or find an unschooling parent to convince them. I have an email list of very persuasive parents- email me if you need one.
3. Simple Legal Details Homeschooling laws vary based on state- most states require your parents to sign a form saying you'll work the allotted amount of hours your state requires. That's it. Legal credit, legal diploma from a school in your district. If you live in a throbbing red state you don't even have to do that. Click here to see what your state requires.
For more check out how to drop out of high school
Reinventing Education: Students Aren't Subordinate.
This is a great article from Cooperative Catalyst on reinventing education. What caught me was the need for change on how the system views students- we're not suborniate slugs, we're curious learners- and we're sick of being matched to numbers.
Check it out here (It's short)