You should really do a bigger effort not to share uncredited content. Is not like this will cost money or anything like that. And the site where you took the image from doesn't qualify as giving credit, pinterest didn't take that picture or draw that illustration you shared.
hotdogmexicano reblogged
People are here on Tumblr for years manically reblogging uncredited artwork without the slightiest care for whoever is responsible for it, like it was automatically spawn on their dashboards. And now everybody is pissed with AI generated images, just because it is the conversation of the moment, while keep sharing uncredited stolen content and even AI stuff, because you never really paid much attention to be able to notice the difference. You don't care about art or atists, you just wanna look at pretty images, get your microsecond rush of serotonine and then move to the next one.
People are here on Tumblr for years manically reblogging uncredited artwork without the slightiest care for whoever is responsible for it, like it was automatically spawn on their dashboards. And now everybody is pissed with AI generated images, just because it is the conversation of the moment, while keep sharing uncredited stolen content and even AI stuff, because you never really paid much attention to be able to notice the difference. You don't care about art or atists, you just wanna look at pretty images, get your microsecond rush of serotonine and then move to the next one.
The site where you took the image from doesn't count as crediting the source. Pinterest didn't take that picture.
hotdogmexicano reblogged